Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has it been since someone researched the sunken island at George Papaaloa's museum?
(a) Since right after World War Two.
(b) During the Vietnam War.
(c) No one has ever asked for information about it from George.
(d) Two weeks ago.

2. How does Dirk carry Summer to the hotel?
(a) Cradled in his arms.
(b) Drags her by the arms.
(c) Over his shoulder.
(d) On his back.

3. What unusual equipment does LT Stanley sight on the first wreck that the Martha Ann discovers?
(a) A gyroscope.
(b) A farm tractor.
(c) An old Volkswagen beetle.
(d) A satellite dish.

4. Who is Adrian Hunter?
(a) A spy trying to kill Admiral Hunter.
(b) Dirk's girlfriend.
(c) A government operative trying to kill Dirk.
(d) Admiral Hunter's daughter.

5. What is the correct phrasing to ask someone to repeat their message or to indicate you are repeating your message?
(a) Re-transmit.
(b) Second time.
(c) Say again.
(d) Read back.

6. What is dangerous about Dirk's swim out to the object in the water?
(a) Riptides and sharks.
(b) Coral reefs and kelp.
(c) 15 foot waves.
(d) Dirk doesn't swim very well.

7. Why is diving on a wrecked submarine different from a wrecked ship for Dirk?
(a) Because he's diving with only one partner this time.
(b) Because he feels like he knows this crew from reading the manuscript.
(c) Because ships are supposed to be on the surface of the water, whereas the sub is in its natural environment.
(d) Because the submarine doesn't appear to have been wrecked at all.

8. What does Dirk discover in Summer's hand when he goes to pick her up and take her back to the hotel?
(a) A hammer.
(b) A knife.
(c) His wallet.
(d) A syringe.

9. What strikes Dirk as odd about the galley and lounge area of the Starbuck on his initial recon mission with LT March?
(a) There is no corrosion on anything.
(b) The tv is still working.
(c) There is no paper and nothing perishable.
(d) There are stacks of dirty dishes, but no soap.

10. How does the Starbuck hit the seafloor?
(a) Bow first.
(b) Perfectly parallel.
(c) Stern first, almost perpendicular.
(d) Upside down.

11. What accounts for the ocean turning a greenish color as the Martha Ann approaches the shallower water of the seamount?
(a) Toxic waste spewing from the submarine's damaged reactor.
(b) Source unknown.
(c) A dye marker in the water.
(d) Vegetation growing on the seamount.

12. What happens to the driver of the gray Dodge van that tries to run Dirk off the road?
(a) He is impaled on a telephone pole spike.
(b) He is killed in the crash that totals the van.
(c) He falls over a sea cliff and is dashed against the rocks.
(d) He scrambles free of the falling van and runs from the scene.

13. How many ships have gone missing where the Starbuck is last reported?
(a) 38.
(b) 112.
(c) 56.
(d) 17.

14. What is the Martha Ann's depth at the start of their search pattern?
(a) 14 fathoms.
(b) 478 feet.
(c) 5,670 feet.
(d) 16,234 feet.

15. What weather phenomenon features in both the reports of the Lillie Marlene and the Starbuck?
(a) A maelstrom or vortex.
(b) A waterspout.
(c) A rogue wave.
(d) An isolated fog bank.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Dirk Pitt's father?

2. Who says "As long as there are seas, ships, and men, there will be strange unsolved mysteries."?

3. Whose responsibility is it to plot the new search area for the Martha Ann after Dirk's interpretation of the evidence?

4. Why does Dirk argue that the Martha Ann's bevy of detection equipment may not keep her safe come nightfall?

5. What does Dirk wear to report for his first day of duty with ADM Hunter?

(see the answer keys)

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