Pachinko Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Pastor Shin hesitant to marry Isak and Sunja in Book One, Chapter 10?

2. What does Hansu give Sunja as a gift in Book One, Chapter 6?

3. Who packs Sunja's clothes carefully for traveling in Book One, Chapter 11?

4. What does Sexton Hu mouth that gets him and the others arrested as described in Book Two, Chapter 2?

5. What does Hansu tell Sunja that she must do at the end of Book Two, Chapter 6?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Sunja so determined to pay off Yoseb’s debt in Book One, Chapter 16?

2. Why does Hansu tell Sunja she must leave Osaka in Book Two, Chapter 6? What does he tell her she must do?

3. What figurative language does Sunja use to think about the stories Koh Hansu tells her in Book One, Chapter 5? Why does she try to store everything he tells her?

4. How is Mozasu becoming a "bad Korean"in Book Two, Chapter 10? What does he think about this?

5. What does Isak think about when he realizes he is sick with tuberculosis at the end of Book One, Chapter 3?

6. How do Hoonie's parents raise him in Book One, Chapter 1? Why do they not dote on him?

7. What is Goro-san's character like and why is he so successful at Pachinko as described in Book Two, Chapter 12?

8. What does Hansu tell Kim Changho about the Korean nationalist groups in Book Two, Chapter Nine?

9. What is Kyunghee's dream she tells to Sunja in Book One, Chapter 15 and why can she not do it?

10. What things does Isak ask Sunja about marrying him in Book One, Chapter 9? Why does he ask these these?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Both Yoseb and Isak begin wanting to support their families, and then are in some way injured or kept from being able to provide. What are each of these men's outlook on life in the beginning of the novel? And then with the events that happen to them, how does their outlook on life change or stay the same? What keeps their character in place? Or what pushes them to snap? Compare and contrast their experiences, and create a thesis answering what leads them to act differently from one another when there are divergences.

Essay Topic 2

Isak tells Noa on his deathbed that "Men may be unfair, but the Lord is fair. You'll see. You will" (196). Does this idea that everything is fair in the end hold true for the novel? Choose two characters and explore their actions. Is what happens to them in the novel fair? Are their actions or what happens to them counterbalanced by anything else? What definition of "fairness" does the novel show?

Essay Topic 3

Four generations of women are shown throughout Pachinko. From Yangjin, to Sunja and Kyunghee, to Yumi, Etsuko, and Ayame, and finally to Hana and Phoebe. What are liberties and abilities within each generation? How does a woman's role, or the role she can have, change over time? Choose two characters to compare and contrast how they live their lives according to the times. What historical changes allow a woman's life to be different from one generation or one experience to another? How are the choices of each character dependent or independent from the men in her life?

(see the answer keys)

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