Pachinko Test | Final Test - Medium

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Test | Final Test - Medium

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Two, Chapter 7, what does the father of the boy tell Haruki when Haruki says he can not prosecute the other children?
(a) “You don’t understand what it is like to be a father” (380).
(b) “I want justice for my son” (380).
(c) “You people work together to make sure nothing ever changes” (380).
(d) “I hope you go to hell” (380).

2. What does Sunja cook for dinner with Hansu in Book Three, Chapter 4?
(a) Bulgogi.
(b) Chicken jorim and fish jeon.
(c) Bimbimbop.
(d) Fried chicken.

3. What does Hana tell Solomon to do in Book Three, Chapter 20?
(a) To take over his father's pachinko business.
(b) To find new ways to exercise his anger.
(c) To take over his father's chess business.
(d) To find a ways to return to America.

4. What does Solomon do when he meets Hana in Book Three, Chapter 10?
(a) He tells her how pretty he is.
(b) He tells her he wants to go on a date with her.
(c) He tells her that he knows she is pregnant.
(d) He invites her to his birthday party.

5. What does Solomon ask his father to explain when he tells his father that he wants to take over the family business in Book Three, Chapter 21?
(a) How to set a pachinko machine.
(b) How to get Phoebe back.
(c) A badger.
(d) A ledger.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Three, Chapter 2, who comes to help out Yumi while she is bedridden?

2. What happens when Sunja goes to Koh Hansu's Osaka house in Book Two, Chapter 20?

3. In Book Two, Chapter 20, what does Yoseb say to tell Mozasu about Noa's leaving?

4. What news do the policemen bring Mozasu in Book Three, Chapter 3?

5. What does Hana say she has been doing for work in Book Three, Chapter 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens that shames Risa Imawura's family as described in Book Three, Chapter 5?

2. What leads Haruki to become a police officer as described in Book Two, Chapter 17? Who recommends him to join?

3. What does Etsuko think about her role as a mother in Book Three, Chapter 10?

4. What does Kyunghee say to Kim Changho's marriage proposal in Book Two, Chapter 13, and how does Kim respond?

5. Why does Noa go to Nagano in Book Three, Chapter 1 after he finds Hansu is his father?

6. Why does Solomon get fired from his job in Book Three, Chapter 19?

7. What does Solomon want to do for his and Hana's relationship in Book Three, Chapter 14?

8. Why does Mozasu tell Yumi they can not move to America in Book Three, Chapter Two?

9. What does Noa realize about Akiko's attitude towards him after she interrupts his meeting with Hansu in Book Two, Chapter 19?

10. What causes Etsuko's divorce as described in Book Three, Chapter 9? How has this affected her relationship with her children?

(see the answer keys)

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