Pachinko Test | Final Test - Medium

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Test | Final Test - Medium

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Three, Chapter 14, what does Hana tell Solomon she wants to do for work?
(a) To be a theater actress.
(b) To be on television.
(c) To heal her childhood trauma by studying psychology at a university.
(d) To find new ways to have sex not invented yet.

2. What does Etsuko say to Mozasu that Yumi would have thought about Solomon in Book Three, Chapter 11?
(a) Yumi would have thought he was too easygoing.
(b) Yumi would have wanted something different for her son.
(c) Yumi would have thought he was so accomplished.
(d) Yumi would have been pleased about Solomon.

3. In Book Three, chapter 20, what does Goro-san tell Solomon about the old Korean woman’s property?
(a) That it is a bad piece of property anyways.
(b) That the client bought the property from him.
(c) That the client rejected the property after the woman's death.
(d) That Solomon should not have asked him to help with the deal.

4. Why does Etsuko's husband divorce her as described in Book Three, Chapter 9?
(a) He finds poems from her lover.
(b) She reports to the police that he beats her.
(c) He finds a letter she writes to her lover.
(d) She tells him how lonely he makes her feel.

5. In Book Three, Chapter 2, who comes to help out Yumi while she is bedridden?
(a) Sunja.
(b) Yangjin.
(c) Mozasu.
(d) Kyunghee.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Goro promoting Mozasu to in Book Two, Chapter 16?

2. What does Ayame want to get Daisuke after her bath in Book Three, Chapter 6?

3. What does Hansu tell Sunja in Book Three, Chapter 3 to get her to listen to him?

4. What does Sunja find from the graveyard groundkeeper in Book Three, Chapter 21?

5. What does Noa think about Akiko asking questions about him in Book Two, Chapter 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes Etsuko's divorce as described in Book Three, Chapter 9? How has this affected her relationship with her children?

2. What does Noa realize about Akiko's attitude towards him after she interrupts his meeting with Hansu in Book Two, Chapter 19?

3. What does Noa's letter to Sunja and the Baek family say Book Two, Chapter Twenty after he learns Hansu is his father?

4. Why does Hansu care so much about Noa's education from the background in Book Two, Chapter 18?

5. Why is Mozasu promoted to foreman of Paradaisu Seven in Book Two, Chapter 16?

6. What does Kazu explain to Solomon as a "shit tax" in Book Three, Chapter 17?

7. What does Kuroda-san lecture about the Jewish people in Daniel Deronda that Akiko reacts against in Book Two, Chapter 15?

8. What does Hana tell Solomon in their final meeting in Book Three, Chapter 20?

9. What case does Haruki go to investigate in Book Three, Chapter 7? What does Haruki learn when he meets the boy’s parents?

10. Why does Solomon get fired from his job in Book Three, Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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