Pachinko Test | Final Test - Easy

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Test | Final Test - Easy

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the tour guide say cursed the Matsumoto-jo castle from Book Three, Chapter 5?
(a) Nobuo Ban.
(b) Tada Kasuke.
(c) Koichi-san.
(d) Mozasu.

2. Why do the poker players tell Solomon he can pick up the restaurant tab as described in Book Three, Chapter 16 even though it is not customary for newcomers?
(a) Because he knows the restaurant owner.
(b) Because he wants to show off his father’s wealth.
(c) Because he makes more than all of them combined
(d) Because he beats them all at poker regularly and takes their money.

3. What does Sunja tell Hansu about Noa and Mozasu in Book Three, Chapter 8?
(a) "They’re my life” (387).
(b) "I've always wanted daughters" (387).
(c) "I know they love you as much as you love them" (387).
(d) "I feel that they have let me down" (387).

4. What does Ayame want to get Daisuke after her bath in Book Three, Chapter 6?
(a) Fire noodles.
(b) Yakitori.
(c) Tteobokki crackers.
(d) Songpyeon.

5. What does Kazu tells Solomon about Japan in Book Three, Chapter 17?
(a) That everyone is "drowning in shame" (449).
(b) That "everyone is afraid of being different" (449).
(c) That it is better in America.
(d) That the post-war boom is optimal to make their financial fortunes.

6. What does Yoseb tell Changho in Book Two, Chapter 14?
(a) If he waits until Yoseb dies, he can marry Kyunghee.
(b) He wants Changho to honor kill him.
(c) He would kill Changho for liking Kyunghee is he were not so sick.
(d) He does not want to die.

7. In Book Three, Chapter 14, what does Hana tell Solomon she wants to do for work?
(a) To be a theater actress.
(b) To heal her childhood trauma by studying psychology at a university.
(c) To be on television.
(d) To find new ways to have sex not invented yet.

8. What is Noa's new name in Book Three, Chapter 5 for his life in Nagano?
(a) Noa Ban
(b) Nobuo Bando.
(c) Know Yer Bands.
(d) Nobuo Ban.

9. What does Hana tell Solomon about his family in Book Three, Chapter 20?
(a) That they are better than her family.
(b) That his father, aunt, and grandmother all have come to pray and care for her.
(c) She wishes she was a part of his family.
(d) She wants them to come visit her.

10. What does Solomon think as the men tease him at the end of Book Three, Chapter 16?
(a) That he does not want to come to poker any more.
(b) That what they are saying is what a middle class Japanese would say.
(c) That he does not actually like them.
(d) That they are racist.

11. From Book Three, Chapter 16, what question from Japanese people causes Phoebe to overreact?
(a) If she is Kankokujin or Chosenjin.
(b) If she thinks America or Japan is better.
(c) If she likes green tea pocky or strawberry pocky.
(d) If she has ever been to Korea.

12. In Book Two, Chapter 7, what does the father of the boy tell Haruki when Haruki says he can not prosecute the other children?
(a) “I hope you go to hell” (380).
(b) “You don’t understand what it is like to be a father” (380).
(c) “You people work together to make sure nothing ever changes” (380).
(d) “I want justice for my son” (380).

13. In Book Three, Chapter 6, why does Ayame say she was late coming home to take care of Daisuke?
(a) Because she had sex with another woman in the park.
(b) Because she saw Haruki having sex with another man in the park.
(c) Because she took an additional bath.
(d) Because she went to get yakitori for Daisuke.

14. What do the parents of the suicide case in Book Two, Chapter 7 show Haruki?
(a) The boy's schoolbooks with good marks.
(b) Pictures of their son.
(c) The boy's yearbook with insults inside.
(d) Drawings their son had made as a toddler.

15. What happens when Sunja goes to Koh Hansu's Osaka house in Book Two, Chapter 20?
(a) She begs him to help with Noa.
(b) She sleeps on the garden grounds until he arrives.
(c) She moves into the kitchen as a dishwasher.
(d) She is told he is not there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hana ask Solomon about when she calls him in Book Three, Chapter 15?

2. What does Noa say to Sunja as parting words in Book Two, Chapter 19?

3. What does Sunja find from the graveyard groundkeeper in Book Three, Chapter 21?

4. Who interrupts Noa's monthly meeting with Hansu in Book Two, Chapter 18?

5. What does Takano-san employ Noa as in Book Three, Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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