Pachinko Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mozasu's favorite wrestler in Book Two, Chapter 11?
(a) Rippadoodledoo.
(b) Riki Tiki Tabby.
(c) Rip Van Wrinkle.
(d) Rikidozan.

2. How does Hansu come into Sunja's life again in Book Two, Chapter 6?
(a) He tells her she is the love of his life.
(b) He owns the restaurant where she had been employed.
(c) He has been following her.
(d) He asks her to marry him.

3. What does Sunja sell for Yoseb's debt in Book One, Chapter 16?
(a) Her virginity.
(b) The pair of wooden ducks Dokhee and Bokhee gave to her.
(c) The two gold rings Yangjin gave to her.
(d) The gold plated watch Hansu gave to her.

4. What does Isak say about Sunja's expected baby in Book One, Chapter 7?
(a) "I can't wait to play with the child" (60).
(b) "Sunja should be ashamed of the way she's behaved" (60).
(c) "A child is a gift from God" (60).
(d) "I will take the child as my own" (60).

5. Why does Yoseb go to Nagasaki in Book Two, Chapter 7?
(a) To work at a steel factory.
(b) To hunt down Hansu and kill him.
(c) To take a long deserved vacation.
(d) To work as an Japanese teacher.

6. What does Pastor Yoo tell the sister in the dispute in Book One, Chapter 14?
(a) That she should go to school herself.
(b) That she should become a prostitute.
(c) That her virtue is more important than sending money to her family or her brother to school.
(d) That she should get as much money from the Japanese man as possible and give the excess to the church.

7. Why does Isak feel spoken to by the Lord to marry Sunja in Book One, Chapter 8?
(a) Because he began studying Hosea in the morning, and then Yangjin told him about Sunja.
(b) Because he heard the Lord whispering in his ear.
(c) Because writing in blood appeared on Isak's wall telling him what to do.
(d) Because the Lord sent Isak a text message saying "yo, mrry the thot."

8. Why can Yoseb not ask his boss, Shimamura-san, to help with Isak's imprisonment in Book Two, Chapter 1?
(a) Because Shimamura-san is also Korean.
(b) Because Shimamura-san is also a Christian in hiding
(c) Because he will fire Yoseb if he knows Yoseb is connected to protest activity.
(d) Because Shimamura-san has never liked Isak.

9. What name do we learn Noa goes by at school in Book Two, Chapter 4?
(a) His Korean name, Noa Baek.
(b) His uncle's name, Yoseb Baek.
(c) His Japanese name, Nobuo Boku.
(d) His father's name, Isak Baek.

10. What does Noa tell Sunja when he returns from the biscuit factory in Book Two, Chapter 5?
(a) I hope it is ok that I skipped school.
(b) I took three biscuit if you want some.
(c) Uncle Yoseb is on his way.
(d) Uncle Yoseb cannot leave work.

11. Why can Yoseb not leave his work when Noa tells him Isak is home in Book Two, Chapter 4?
(a) He wants to impress his boss with his work ethic.
(b) He does not want to stop working.
(c) He wants to become the head boss.
(d) He may lose his job and the character reference from his boss.

12. What does the the arrival of Sunja’s baby interrupt for midwife Okja in Book One, Chapter 17?
(a) Her dinner.
(b) Her husband's drunken rant.
(c) Her local gambling game.
(d) Her sleep.

13. Why does Isak travel in spite of his mother and doctor not approving as described in Book One, Chapter 7?
(a) The church in Osaka asks him to come.
(b) He found life in Korea boring.
(c) He wanted to join the revolutionaries in Japan.
(d) He did not want to stay in Pyongyang any more.

14. What does Hoonie learn at school in Book One, Chapter One?
(a) Calculus.
(b) To read and write some Korean and Japanese and to do some small mathematical sums.
(c) To read and write some Korean and Japanese.
(d) English Literature.

15. Who does Mozasu visit to flirt with in Book Two, Chapter 11?
(a) Haruki.
(b) Kyunghee.
(c) Chiyaki.
(d) Ayame-san.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are the male lodger's clothes not washed often enough as described in Book One, Chapter 3?

2. Why does Tamaguchi-san want the war to continue in Book Two, Chapter 7?

3. Where do the Koreans in Osaka live as described in Book One, Chapter 12?

4. Why does Sunja tell Isak that she can love his God in Book One, Chapter 9?

5. How much does Yoseb owe the money collector in total as described in Book One, Chapter 16?

(see the answer keys)

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