Pachinko Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Two: Chapter 13 - 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Yoseb try to think about the Japanese police officer who he asks to release Isak in Book Two, Chapter 1?
(a) "That he was a terrible human being" (158).
(b) "That he was as bad as all the other Japanese" (158).
(c) "That he just wanted to go to the bar and drink" (158).
(d) "That he was just another man who was doing a job he didn't like" (158).

2. Where does Goro-san offer to employ Mozasu in Book Two, Chapter 11?
(a) At Chiyaki's sock shop.
(b) At his pachinko parlor.
(c) At his restaurant.
(d) At the local casino.

3. Where do Sunja and Isak go with Kyunghee and Yoseb after dinner their first night in Osaka in Book One, Chapter 13?
(a) A bar.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) A Japanese bathhouse.
(d) Karaoke.

4. How did Isak's older brother, Samoel, die as described in Book One, Chapter 8?
(a) He was beaten by the colonial priests after a protest and died of injuries.
(b) He caught cholera.
(c) He drowned on a boat to Osaka.
(d) He sacrificed himself for the church.

5. What is Pastor Yoo doing at the Osaka church when Isak arrives in Book One, Chapter 14?
(a) Advising a brother and sister in a family dispute.
(b) Smoking a cigarette over his coffee.
(c) Stretching.
(d) Doing his morning yoga exercises.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kim say about his politics to Kyunghee in Book Two, Chapter 9?

2. How does Yoseb know the restaurant that Sunja and Kyunghee are talking about in Book Two, Chapter 3?

3. What does Yoseb learn when he goes to the church looking for everyone in Book Two, Chapter 1?

4. What is the name of the new girl at Totoyama's sewing shop in Book Two, Chapter 16?

5. What job does Kim do for Hansu when the family returns to Osaka in Book Two, Chapter 9?

(see the answer key)

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