Pachinko Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pachinko Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Min Jin Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Book One: Chapter 1 - 4

- The following version of the book was used to create this Study Guide: Lee, Min Jin. Pachinko. Hachette Book Group, 2017.

- Book One: Chapter 1 - Book One: Chapter 4

- Book One is called "Goyang/Hometown" and is set in the year 1910 to 1933.

- An epigraph from Charles Dickens before Chapter One says "home" is a strong word.

- Book One, Chapter 1 is set in Yeongdo, Busan, Korea.

- A fisherman and his wife from Yeongdo decide to start a boarding house.

- Their only son, Hoonie, who survives childhood is born with physical deformities.

- Japan annexes Korea, and the fisherman and his wife take in more lodgers.

- When Hoonie learns to read and write Korean and Japanese and do sums in his head, his parents take him out of school.

- The fisherman and his wife want their son to be...

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