An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can be inferred about the story at the end of Part 2?
(a) Peyton is going to be a spy.
(b) Something ominous is about to take place.
(c) Peyton's wife is going to be injured.
(d) Peyton is going to enlist in the army.

2. Why is the Federal army repairing the railroads?
(a) To help rebuild the South.
(b) To transport prisoners.
(c) To transport cannons.
(d) In preparation for another advance.

3. Who issued a notice that is posted at the Owl Creek Bridge?
(a) The governor.
(b) The commandant.
(c) The president.
(d) The mayor.

4. The soldier says the driftwood would burn __________________.
(a) Like tow.
(b) Like corn stalks.
(c) Like paper.
(d) Like an old barn.

5. What did the soldier see at the bridge the last time he was there?
(a) Ice chunks.
(b) A dead body.
(c) Driftwood.
(d) Garbage.

6. Peyton is a civilian with _________________.
(a) A criminal record.
(b) The heart of a soldier.
(c) Political aspirations.
(d) A bad reputation.

7. Who does the soldier say is repairing the railroads?
(a) The Rebs.
(b) The locals.
(c) The government.
(d) The Yanks.

8. Which of the following does NOT characterize Peyton's motivations?
(a) He wants to share in the glory of the cause.
(b) He wants to do whatever he can for the South.
(c) He always wanted to be a spy.
(d) He longs to be of service.

9. What are Peyton and his wife doing when they are approached by someone?
(a) Working in the garden.
(b) Eating dinner.
(c) Taking a walk.
(d) Sitting on a bench.

10. Peyton is a politician and a(n) ___________________.
(a) Anarchist.
(b) Socialist.
(c) Secessionist.
(d) Abolitionist.

11. Who approaches Peyton and his wife as they sit outside their home?
(a) A neighbor.
(b) A minister.
(c) A traveling salesman.
(d) A soldier.

12. Who is mentioned in the posted order?
(a) Federal soldiers.
(b) Confederate soldiers.
(c) Home guard.
(d) Civilians.

13. What does the soldier say that the Yanks have built at the Owl Creek Bridge?
(a) A stockade.
(b) A gun depot.
(c) A church.
(d) A train station.

14. In what direction is the soldier headed when he rides past the Farquhar house again?
(a) North.
(b) East.
(c) West.
(d) South.

15. When does the soldier say he had last been at the Owl Creek Bridge?
(a) A month ago.
(b) A year ago.
(c) Yesterday.
(d) Last week.

Short Answer Questions

1. What saying did Peyton believe in his heart?

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the posted order?

3. Which of the following is NOT a natural question to ask after reading Part 2?

4. Peyton wants to know _______________________ if he could overcome the sentinel.

5. Which of the following did Peyton NOT long to experience as a soldier?

(see the answer keys)

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