Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Whose health was revived by the tribal dances and rituals?
2. When Keetah does not come to see him, Mark decides
3. Why doesn't the hospital ship come for the dying man?
4. Mark realizes he has come to rely on
5. When he returns, Mark visits
Short Essay Questions
1. What does the long boat trip back to the village from Knight's inlet offer Mark the opportunity to do?
2. What does the Bishop claim happens every time he arrives at the village?
3. How is Caleb like the Cedar-man, according to Mark?
4. Describe the visitors to the village in Chapter 13.
5. Why does Mark claim he is offering Jim advice on how to treat Keetah?
6. Who contributes to the preparations for Mark's funeral?
7. What is the mood among the boys going to live at the white school?
8. Describe Calamity Bill's request for the vicar.
9. Though the river freezes, how do the villagers survive?
10. Why is T. P. Wallace throwing a dance-potlatch for Jim?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Changing seasons are mentioned frequently in Craven's novel. Consider how the seasons reflect Craven's message in any one of the four parts of her novel, or in her novel as a whole, and write an essay in which you explore the changing and their contribution to theme.
Essay Topic 2
The characters of Jim and Gordon have some opposing characteristics in the novel. Write an essay in which you explore either character as a symbol in the novel, using examples from the text to support your argument.
Essay Topic 3
Consider the role of myths and legends in the novel. Write an essay in which you explain how the myths and legends affect events and/or characters in the novel, and use at least three examples from the text to support your argument.
This section contains 712 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |