I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who orchestrates the boys' housing and schooling arrangements?
(a) The Bishop.
(b) Caleb.
(c) Mark's sister.
(d) The RCMP.

2. The visitors cause Mark Brian to feel what about the world of the white man he has left behind?
(a) He feels he has abandoned his people by leaving it.
(b) He feels he no longer knows it, and is ashamed of it now.
(c) He feels he must go back and save it.
(d) He feels he never belonged in it.

3. What is Mark's chief concern for the Indians while he is away from the village?
(a) That he does not belong there anymore.
(b) That Sam will hurt someone.
(c) That the Bishop will arrive and find him missing.
(d) That liquor will destroy them.

4. The dying man asks Mark Brian to
(a) Obtain a fine suit for his burial.
(b) Spread his ashes in a certain place.
(c) Contact all his friends and relatives.
(d) Deliver a fine eulogy for him.

5. Ironically, Sam's drinking causes
(a) HIs wife to insist that their daughter go to school.
(b) His wife to insist that he attend Alcholics Anonymous.
(c) His wife to leave him for another man.
(d) His wife to insist that their son go to school.

6. Who unexpectedly visits the village?
(a) A group of southern Californian tourists.
(b) A groups of Indians from a neighboring village.
(c) A group of clergymen.
(d) A group of tourists from Texas.

7. The woman Keetah had lived with at school
(a) Was supportive and caring.
(b) Gave her every chance to prove herself in the white world.
(c) Was afraid of her and treated her badly.
(d) Denied her food and lodging when she arrived.

8. Who travels up the river with Mark and the Bishop?
(a) Caleb.
(b) Calamity Bill.
(c) A pregnant woman.
(d) A drunken villager.

9. What does Mrs. Hudson suggest they serve at Mark's funeral?
(a) Mashed potatoes.
(b) Corn.
(c) Mashed turnips.
(d) Carrots.

10. Who is found ill, alone in his shack?
(a) Jim.
(b) Mark.
(c) Sam.
(d) Calamity Bill.

11. Who tells Mark the myth of the hamatsa?
(a) Marta.
(b) Caleb.
(c) Peter.
(d) Mrs. Hudson.

12. What is Jim's response to Keetah's state of health?
(a) He says a child is always welcome.
(b) He says a child is always a reminder of past mistakes.
(c) He says no child of Gordon's will ever be his.
(d) He says she will not raise the child herself.

13. Though Mark Brian feels he has made friends with loneliness, deprivation, and death, he feels he was constantly supported by
(a) His family.
(b) His wife.
(c) His faith.
(d) His friends.

14. On behalf of Calamity Bill, Mark Brian refuses
(a) The offer of a suit for his burial.
(b) The offer of a coffin the loggers built.
(c) The offer of help cremating the body.
(d) The offer of a ride from the hospital boat.

15. Who seems to have a hard time adjusting to white society at first?
(a) Gordon.
(b) Keetah.
(c) Jim.
(d) Mark.

Short Answer Questions

1. Marta asks Mark to dinner because

2. What two reasons demand that the vicarage be built before August?

3. When Mark tells Marta he has heard the owl call his name, she says

4. Caleb felt himself an intruder when visiting

5. The elders stay away when Gordon visits because

(see the answer keys)

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