I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Kwakwala, there is no word for
(a) Thank You.
(b) Goodbye.
(c) Good morning.
(d) Please.

2. Jim Wallace wants the vicar to know that he is
(a) Not willing to be friends with a white man.
(b) The only Indian in the village who is not free.
(c) Employed by the church.
(d) Free in the village.

3. The chief teaches Mark Brian to say
(a) How do you do.
(b) Good Morning.
(c) God bless you.
(d) Amen.

4. Mark discovers he has no talent for
(a) Lying.
(b) Swimming.
(c) Hunting.
(d) Preaching.

5. What is Calamity Bill known for?
(a) He has a personal relationship with the Archbishop.
(b) He once road into battle with Custer.
(c) He wears two sets of long underwear and only changes one.
(d) He is said to hide in the bush and scare the women.

6. Which of Constable Pearson's actions makes the Indians hold in their laughter?
(a) He cannot find the dead body.
(b) He is physically sick after he eats a meal with the tribe.
(c) He cannot find his way around the village.
(d) He is physically sick at the sight of the dead body.

7. What is true of both the swimmer and Mark Brian?
(a) They are both kinds of fish.
(b) They are both outcasts of society.
(c) They are both unclear about their purpose.
(d) They are both doomed to complete their task and die.

8. The Bishop believes the men of the village have offered to help Mark build the vicarage because
(a) He has suffered with them.
(b) He has promised to help them in return.
(c) He is too ill to build the vicarage.
(d) He has proven worthy of them.

9. What is dumped into the the center of the stream by the villagers?
(a) Animal carcasses.
(b) Offerings to the gods.
(c) Garbage.
(d) Bodies.

10. The doctor reveals the young man's illness to
(a) The young ordinand.
(b) The constable.
(c) The Bishop.
(d) The Archbishop.

11. Who are the doctor and the Bishop discussing?
(a) The young ordinand.
(b) The young Constable.
(c) The young Bishop.
(d) The young doctor.

12. In wintertime, how were the beliefs of the tribe relived?
(a) The beliefs were relived through ancient songs.
(b) The beliefs were relived through cave paintings.
(c) The beliefs were relived through sweat lodges.
(d) The beliefs were relived through dances.

13. The Bishop reveals that Kingcome is
(a) Where he would want to go if he were in the young man's place.
(b) Where he would want to go to escape the real world.
(c) Where he would want to go to spend his dying days.
(d) Where he would want to go to renew his faith.

14. What happens when the government forbade the Indian dance-potlatches?
(a) Many great rituals were lost.
(b) Many Indians abandoned the tribe.
(c) Many Indians were finally able to marry outside the tribe.
(d) Many Indians found pride in their rituals again.

15. What is the Indian name of the village where Mark Brian is sent?
(a) Wolf.
(b) Quee.
(c) Quelele.
(d) Khawadelugha.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jim plan to get drunk after the funeral?

2. At the end of the chapter, what is revealed in Mark Brian's eyes?

3. How does Mark Brian approach the village of Kingcome?

4. Why is the whole tribe home together for the first time since Mark's arrival in the village?

5. Jim is concerned about Keetah because

(see the answer keys)

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