The Outsiders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Outsiders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ponyboy say killed Bob?
(a) Himself.
(b) Johnny.
(c) Randy.
(d) Soda.

2. Who shoots Dally?
(a) Cherry.
(b) The cops.
(c) Randy.
(d) Soda.

3. Ponyboy tells Randy that Johnny isn't ______.
(a) Poor.
(b) Sorry.
(c) Dead.
(d) Alive.

4. How does Ponyboy feel about having to stay in bed after the rumble?
(a) It drives him crazy.
(b) He enjoys it.
(c) It makes him angry.
(d) It makes him sad.

5. As he is dying, what does Johnny tell Ponyboy to do?
(a) Run away from home.
(b) Write a book.
(c) Stay gold.
(d) Stay true to himself.

6. How does Ponyboy respond to Darry's scolding in Chapter 11?
(a) By telling Darry he will try to be more careful.
(b) By cleaning his room.
(c) By storming out of the house.
(d) By yelling at Darry.

7. When is Ponyboy supposed to go to court?
(a) On his birthday.
(b) The following month.
(c) The day after Randy visits.
(d) In the summer.

8. What is wrong with Ponyboy after the rumble?
(a) He has been shot.
(b) He has cancer.
(c) He has a concussion.
(d) He has a cold.

9. How does Dally convince the nurse to let him go to the rumble?
(a) By paying her.
(b) He makes up a story about Ponyboy being hurt.
(c) With Two-Bit's knife.
(d) He kisses her.

10. Why does Ponyboy have to write a semester theme?
(a) Because he missed too much school.
(b) Because his teacher does not like him.
(c) To pass his English class.
(d) Because Darry wants him to.

11. Who tells Ponyboy that he will not be going to the rumble?
(a) Randy.
(b) Soda.
(c) Johnny.
(d) Darry.

12. Why is Soda upset about Sandy in Chapter 12?
(a) She kissed Ponyboy.
(b) She wants to marry Soda.
(c) She returns his letters unopened.
(d) She is too jealous.

13. On what day does Ponyboy finally wake up after passing out following the rumble?
(a) Friday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Monday.
(d) Tuesday.

14. What do the doctors say that makes Ponyboy realize Johnny is dying?
(a) That they should call his mom.
(b) That Ponyboy should go home.
(c) That it couldn't hurt for him to have visitors now.
(d) That his room is empty.

15. Who does Ponyboy go to the grocery store with in Chapter 12?
(a) Cherry and Marcia.
(b) Steve and Two-Bit.
(c) Randy and Darry.
(d) Soda and Sandy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose picture does Ponyboy come across while reading in bed after the rumble?

2. What does Ponyboy ask Two-Bit to do for him before the rumble?

3. Who is sleeping in the chair beside Ponyboy when he wakes up in Chapter 10 after the rumble?

4. What is one of the things Ponyboy reads while confined to his bed?

5. What are Ponyboy and Soda supposed to do if the cops show up at the rumble?

(see the answer keys)

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