Outliers: The Story of Success Test | Final Test - Easy

Malcolm Gladwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outliers: The Story of Success Test | Final Test - Easy

Malcolm Gladwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the burden of understanding placed in a conversation between two Koreans?
(a) It depends on the relative social status of the two who are interacting.
(b) The speaker.
(c) Equally between the listener and speaker.
(d) The listener.

2. What cultural legacy among Asian peoples does Gladwell discuss?
(a) Rice paddies.
(b) Honor.
(c) Samurai.
(d) Calligraphy.

3. Why does Flom and those of his generation have their pick of good schools?
(a) College is just becoming popular and so colleges are competing to get students.
(b) The supply of students is relatively low.
(c) New universities are arising rapidly in this era.
(d) College is not valued at that time.

4. What is a proxy war?
(a) When some people vote in proxy to remove key executives.
(b) When shareholders in the company vote and replace the board of directors with people who will agree to the company being acquired.
(c) When two companies appoint proxies to infiltrate the other company.
(d) When two companies war over the same contract.

5. What percentage above the average student do KIPP students attend school?
(a) 15.
(b) 50.
(c) 10.
(d) 75.

6. What do Koreans and Colombians have in common?
(a) Many plane crashes.
(b) A high PDI.
(c) A culture of honor.
(d) A very low PDI.

7. What occasionally erupts into violence and murder?
(a) A yearly festival in Harlan.
(b) Competition to hire garment workers.
(c) A feud between the Howards and Turners.
(d) Competition to buy potential mining land.

8. What type of parenting style seems to be beneficial to the education of children?
(a) The parents who are so busy, the children have to read to fill their time.
(b) The parents who force their children to work for pay over the summer.
(c) Those who engage their children and offer them opportunities continue to learn and improve over the summer.
(d) The ones who allow the children to choose what they want to do over the summer.

9. From what are of the world are the highest-scoring students in the field of math?
(a) Europe.
(b) South America.
(c) Asia.
(d) North America.

10. What pattern does Gladwell examine in Kentucky?
(a) Families who go into the tobacco industry.
(b) Families who go into the garment industry.
(c) Family feuds.
(d) Families who go into coal mining.

11. What do the men have to do after performing the task asked of them?
(a) Undergo a battery of psychological tests.
(b) Share their experience with an audience.
(c) Write up their impressions of the experience.
(d) Walk down a hall to hand it in.

12. What did the early American educational theorists claim about long hours of school?
(a) It engenders strong morals.
(b) It results in over stimulating the mind.
(c) It keeps young people out of trouble.
(d) It endgenders a strong working ethic.

13. What do some countries consider doing with Korean Airlines?
(a) Banning it from landing in their countries.
(b) Suing it.
(c) Encourage it to operate in their country.
(d) Helping it overcome its safety problems.

14. What is one characteristic of a rice paddy?
(a) It is a complicated system.
(b) It is a fairly simple system.
(c) It requires very little water.
(d) It requires very little attention.

15. How do the experimenters know if the men's hormone levels rise?
(a) Blood work.
(b) Saliva sample.
(c) Sweat breaking out on the face.
(d) Red in face.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Korean Airlines perform?

2. Why do Flom and his colleagues take on proxy wars?

3. What does Korean airlines determine about their flight crew members?

4. What can Chinese farmers do if they produce more than the taxed amount?

5. What do the Borgenichts have that is in demand in the United States?

(see the answer keys)

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