Outlander Test | Final Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Final Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Claire do when she visits the tenants' cottages?
(a) Babysits.
(b) Collects rent.
(c) Counts their livestock for a census.
(d) Takes them food and medicine.

2. What does Claire kill while she is escaping Wentworth Prison?
(a) A wolf.
(b) A feral cat.
(c) A bear.
(d) Captain Randall.

3. What does Jenny describe in Part 5, Chapter 30?
(a) Flu.
(b) Learning to swim.
(c) Menstruation.
(d) Pregnancy.

4. According to the story Jamie tells Claire, what did he call his father the last time he received a beating?
(a) "Uncle."
(b) "Brat."
(c) "Idiot."
(d) "Fool."

5. Which monk tends the abbey's greenhouse expertly, including watching over the growth of medicinal herbs?
(a) Father Herbert.
(b) Brother Ambrose.
(c) Abbot Alexander.
(d) Brother Bartolome.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 6, Chapter 34, where do Claire and Murtagh think Jamie is going?

2. What do Jamie and Ian do while Jenny is in labor?

3. What is Claire doing at the beginning of Part 5, Chapter 32?

4. Of what is the dress made that Jenny is wearing in Part 5, Chapter 27?

5. As the beginning of Part 7, Chapter 41 mentions, where does Claire think she and Jamie might go after he heals?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Jenny tell Claire what to name the baby before the baby is born?

2. As Jenny tells the others, what did she do when she realized that Captain Randall was unable to rape her?

3. What happened when Jamie told his father that corporal punishment was "barbarous"?

4. When Claire meets the Franciscan priest in Part 7, Chapter 38, where is the priest going?

5. How does Claire's companion keep Claire from having to talk to the English soldiers and betray her English accent?

6. What does the Franciscan priest teach Claire to do during the night when she is not sleeping?

7. What does Claire want Father Anselm to do for her, and how does he react?

8. What is Geillis Duncan's message for Claire?

9. Why did the Watch not kill Ian when they captured Jamie?

10. According to Jenny, why do men make love to women?

(see the answer keys)

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