Outlander Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 22, Claire notes that the play of light on Jamie's face makes him look like what?
(a) A character from Dante's Inferno.
(b) Louis Pasteur.
(c) Donatello's angel.
(d) A little boy.

2. When Claire is trying to escape the castle in Part 2, Chapter 10, over what does she trip in the stable?
(a) A colt.
(b) Tack.
(c) Jamie.
(d) A water bucket.

3. Where does Dougal's group camp in Part 3, Chapter 19?
(a) Castle Leoch.
(b) Loch Ness.
(c) Edinburgh.
(d) Fort William.

4. What is the first thing Claire eats at her first dinner in Castle Leoch?
(a) Herring.
(b) Bread pudding.
(c) Haggis.
(d) Scrambled eggs.

5. What is the name of Colum Mackenzie's solicitor?
(a) Lewis McConnell.
(b) Murtagh.
(c) Martin Lothaire.
(d) Ned Gowan.

6. What gift does Colum Mackenzie give Claire in Part 4, Chapter 24?
(a) Linen sheets.
(b) A pearl necklace.
(c) A rosary.
(d) A quill.

7. According to Part 3, Chapter 12, what is the destination of the group's trip to collect rent from their lands?
(a) Fort William.
(b) France.
(c) Wentworth Prison.
(d) Edinburgh.

8. Who is the first person Claire meets when she wakes up in the beginning of Part 1, Chapter 3?
(a) Colum Mackenzie.
(b) Frank.
(c) Jamie.
(d) Jonathan Randall.

9. When the group returns to Castle Leoch in Part 3, Chapter 23, who is particularly eager to see Jamie?
(a) Laoghaire.
(b) Frank Randall.
(c) Colum Mackenzie.
(d) Stella.

10. Claire realizes that which character has also arrived in the eighteenth century from a different time?
(a) Geillis Duncan.
(b) Captain Randall.
(c) The Duke of Sandringham.
(d) Laoghaire.

11. Whom does Claire see unexpectedly at the end of Part 3, Chapter 20?
(a) Captain Randall.
(b) Colum Mackenzie.
(c) Corporal Hawkins.
(d) Geillis Duncan.

12. What excuse does Jamie give Dougal when he and Claire want to slip away to make love?
(a) They are scouting the territory for morels.
(b) They are checking the horses.
(c) They are going to get water.
(d) They are collecting firewood.

13. What is the name of the character with whom Claire shares a horse in Part 1, Chapter 3?
(a) Dougal.
(b) Jamie.
(c) Jonathan Randall.
(d) Murtagh.

14. What does Jamie use to beat Claire?
(a) A wooden plank.
(b) A leather strap.
(c) His hands.
(d) Various pieces of furniture.

15. What is the name of Jamie's brother-in-law?
(a) Duncan McConnell.
(b) Jonathan Randall.
(c) Ian Murray.
(d) James Beacon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What date does Claire see carved into the doorframe at the inn where she is staying in Part 3, Chapter 11?

2. What type of nuisance startles Claire in Part 3, Chapter 23?

3. What is the name of the fearsome stallion that is too wild to be ridden?

4. What is the name of the inn at which Jamie and Claire arrive in Part 3, Chapter 23?

5. Who taught Jamie to fight left-handed?

(see the answer keys)

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