Outer Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 209 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outer Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 209 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One of the henchmen says that Culla used ___________ as trade with the tinker.
(a) the boots.
(b) the baby.
(c) a horse.
(d) a rifle.

2. Who does Rinthy see as she sits on the side of a road?
(a) Culla.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) A minister.
(d) The tinker.

3. What does the doctor give to Rinthy for her sore breasts?
(a) Morphine.
(b) Salve.
(c) Injection.
(d) Herbs.

4. Culla learns that the next town is called ________________.
(a) Morgantown.
(b) Abbeville.
(c) Preston Flats.
(d) Cochran.

5. How does the tinker tell Rinthy he came upon the baby?
(a) The baby was left on his porch.
(b) He found him in the woods.
(c) He bought him.
(d) He saw him at an orphanage.

6. What does the tinker do after he yells at Rinthy?
(a) Goes to sleep.
(b) Throws her out.
(c) Leaves the cabin.
(d) Slaps her.

7. Who does Culla encounter years later?
(a) The bearded man.
(b) A blind man.
(c) The tinker.
(d) Rinthy.

8. What is Culla accused of by two men in the cabin?
(a) Theft.
(b) Kidnapping.
(c) Trespassing.
(d) Murder.

9. What does Rinthy tell the doctor about her marital status?
(a) She is a widow.
(b) She is married.
(c) She is single.
(d) She is divorced.

10. Where does Rinthy rest until she can see the doctor?
(a) A clinic.
(b) A hotel.
(c) A meadow.
(d) The lawyer's office.

11. What hangs on the walls of the old cabin?
(a) Skulls.
(b) Rattlesnake skins.
(c) Pictures.
(d) Animal hides.

12. What beverage is Culla offered by the person/people in #98?
(a) Well water.
(b) Root beer.
(c) Tea.
(d) Coffee.

13. What makes the tinker so mad at Rinthy?
(a) She refuses his advances.
(b) Her admission of incest.
(c) She lied about loving him.
(d) She stole money from him.

14. Where does Culla sleep after completing his job?
(a) An abandoned cabin.
(b) The woods.
(c) A hayrick.
(d) A church.

15. Where does Culla find Clark to collect his money?
(a) He does not find him.
(b) At the post office.
(c) At his store.
(d) In church.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the business owned by the man who gives Culla a job?

2. How is Culla awakened the next morning?

3. Who/What does Rinthy find at a campfire?

4. What does the man in the black suit make Culla do?

5. How old is Rinthy's baby at this point in time?

(see the answer keys)

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