Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Charles Harry Whedbee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Charles Harry Whedbee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 3. The Affair at Brownrigg Mill.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does King Cashie form?
(a) The Tuscacora Army.
(b) The Tuscaloogee Army.
(c) The Tuskeegee Troop.
(d) The Tuscacora Confederacy.

2. What reason does Whedbee give for North Carolina being virtually witch free?
(a) He does not give a reason.
(b) The people of North Caroline ignored it.
(c) He does not suggest that about North Carolina.
(d) The people of North Carolina had more sense than that.

3. What coast were Seaman Brooks and his crew sailing?
(a) Hatteras Island.
(b) Island Hatteras.
(c) Cape Nantucket.
(d) Cape Hatteras.

4. What does the Arctic current collide with to form a white cloud in the ocean water?
(a) The Mississippi River.
(b) The Gulf Stream.
(c) The Pacific Ocean.
(d) The Atlantic Ocean.

5. Who is White Cloud?
(a) The heart of the ocean.
(b) The face of the sea.
(c) An Indian Princess.
(d) A young English maiden.

Short Answer Questions

1. When do most people claim they are able to see the figure beckoning on the shore?

2. Where is Elnora found?

3. Who is King Cashie?

4. What year does the history of the tree from "Indian Gallows" date back to?

5. What do Elnora and Roanoke escape in?

(see the answer key)

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