Out of This Furnace Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas Bell (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of This Furnace Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas Bell (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What plan does Mary have to help with finances?
(a) To look for a job herself.
(b) For Mike to find a full time job.
(c) To take out a loan at the bank.
(d) To move to a larger house and take in boarders.

2. At the beginning of Part 2, Chapter 6, who gives Mary lessons about running a boarding house?
(a) Pauline.
(b) Dorta.
(c) Francka.
(d) Mike.

3. In what state are Mike and Mary's finances at the end of Part 2, Chapter 10?
(a) They are able to buy stock.
(b) They are able to invest in other property.
(c) They are using their savings.
(d) They are able to save money every week.

4. Why is Dobie against company unions?
(a) He feels that they prevent legitimate worker representation.
(b) He thinks that they are only political machines.
(c) He is against their violent tactics.
(d) He is not allowed to vote in their union elections.

5. Who is Agnes?
(a) A boarder.
(b) Mary's best friend.
(c) Mike's co-worker.
(d) Mike and Mary's daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What household item would Julie like to purchase next?

2. At the beginning of Part 4, Chapter 11, what is happening to union membership?

3. Why does George collect accident compensation?

4. Who suggests that Mary should take in boarders to earn money?

5. How does Dobie support himself during the layoffs?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who owns the hotel in East Pittsburgh where Dobie stays? Why is this a good thing for Dobie? How does Dobie make money with his electrical skills?

2. What happens to George at the end of Part 4, Chapter 10? Explain how this event's aftermath is so typical of George's behavior throughout the book.

3. Explain why voting for the Socialist Party would be in line with Mike's concerns about the mill at this point.

4. Why does George come to live with Mary? Is George's behavior towards Mary that of a loving father?

5. When Mary collapses during her pregnancy, she is given instructions by the doctor to rest during the day when "she feels like she need to". What are Mary's responsibilities at this point in the story? What do Mary and Mike decide to do to lighten her responsibilities?

6. How does Dobie's private life change during the Depression? What happens in his work life?

7. At the beginning of Part 4, Chapter 11, what is happening to unions in steel towns? What does this mean for union workers such as Dobie?

8. Where do Mike and Mary move to at the end of Part 2, Chapter 10? What do they have to do to get extra money now that there are no boarders?

9. Describe Mary's life and her children's after Mike's death.

10. What happens with Dobie and Julie's financial situation as a result of no strike and an improving economy?

(see the answer keys)

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