Out of the Silent Planet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Silent Planet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Hyoi as they rest in the boat next to the hnakra's body?
(a) He is shot by Weston and Devine and dies
(b) All the other hross come and pay him homage
(c) He falls out of the boat on top of the hnakra and they laugh
(d) A water snake wraps around his ankle and bites him

2. How often do the hross marry?
(a) The women have several husbands and many children
(b) They marry only once and mate for only a short period of their lives
(c) The hross do not mate at all
(d) They have no marriage and mate with whoever they want

3. What does Ransom what to prove to the hross during the hnakra hunt?
(a) That he can hunt as well as them
(b) That they can count on him to do his part in the hunt
(c) That he is unafraid and used to adventure
(d) That humans can be honorable creatures too

4. What does the Oyarsa say gives the Malacandrians peace?
(a) The Malacandrians do not fear death
(b) That there is no war on Malacandra
(c) That all three races cooperate
(d) That their planet is ruled by the Osarya

5. What does Ransom do with the knowledge he acquired on Malacandra?
(a) He decides to never speak of the journey to anyone on earth
(b) He begins to chronical his journey
(c) He decides to write a science fiction novel
(d) He begins to make notes for a dictionary of the Malacandrian language

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hyoi tell Ransom about war between the three races of Malacandra?

2. How does Ransom feel after he helps kill the hnakra?

3. What does Augray say about Oyarsa?

4. What does Oyarsa say of the history of earth?

5. What does the Oyarsa say Weston and Devine must do because of their killing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe a parallel between Ransom leaving to go to the mountains and the beginning of the book.

2. What does the sorn and Ransom do when Ransom enters the cave?

3. Explain the history of earth (Thulcandra) and its relationship to Malacandra.

4. How does Ransom feel about going with Hyoi on the hunt for the hnakra? What does he want to prove?

5. What does Ransom find as he climbs the mountain pass? Describe the scene.

6. Describe Ransom's first view of Meldilorn.

7. What does Augray, the sorn, and Ransom talk about while eating?

8. What does Ransom do and what does he see after they land on earth?

9. What does the hross have to say about war on Malacandra?

10. What happens with the three dead hross?

(see the answer keys)

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