Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The name of the place where the simple-minded boy is being held and which Ransom finds to be an uninviting place:
(a) The Rise
(b) Jackson Hallows
(c) Barren Heights
(d) The Eyrie

2. The core of the ship is:
(a) made of molten lava
(b) hollow
(c) solid metal
(d) contains argon and helium

3. What does Ransom do when he finally stops for a moment?
(a) Picks up some berries that might be edible
(b) Sits down beside a stream of warm water
(c) Sits down and begins to cry
(d) Ptrips off his shirt and pants and bathes in a stream

4. The humming noise Ransom hears makes him believe he is:
(a) hearing a refridgerator running
(b) must be suffering from the drug's aftereffects
(c) in some sort of airship
(d) hearing a chorus of angels in the distance

5. As Ransom loses consciousness what does he sense?
(a) That Weston and Devine are wrestling on the floor
(b) Being pulled back into the house and the door being shut
(c) That it is very dark in the Rise
(d) That Devine is laughing over him

Short Answer Questions

1. Weston believes that Ransom is incapable of what?

2. What does Ransom pilfer from the galley?

3. Ransom contemplates what he has learned from Weston and realizes he's ready to face what?

4. After Devine questions Ransom, what does he learn?

5. What does the woman ask of Ransom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the dream Ransom had when Weston drugged his drink.

2. What does the hross do after Ransom eats some of his food?

3. What does Ransom see as he's running away from his captors?

4. Summarize the events that take place in Chapter 6.

5. Describe the terrain Ransom sees as they embark from the ship.

6. Describe the room where Ransom wakes after being knocked out at the Rise, the house where he met Weston and Devine.

7. Describe the house where Ransom finds Harry and meets Weston and Devine.

8. How does Ransom react to finally being free?

9. Describe the delusion Ransom is experiencing in the forest.

10. In Chapter seven Ransom gets his first look at some of the inhabitants of the planet. How do they look to him and of what do they remind him?

(see the answer keys)

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