Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does he see in his imagination?
(a) Sorns creeping up on him in the bushes
(b) His home on earth
(c) Another Ransom wandering the forest
(d) A gate with a bell hanging above it

2. When the ship is landing what is Ransom doing?
(a) He is deeply engaged in thought
(b) Thinking about escape
(c) Trying to find something heavy to hit Weston over the head with
(d) Wondering where they are

3. What do the creatures do?
(a) Jump up and down trying to reach the men
(b) They show Weston and Devine through a door in the wall
(c) Bare their teeth and growl
(d) Begin singing and dancing

4. Weston believes that Ransom is incapable of what?
(a) Learning to speak Malacandran
(b) Returning to earth without his help
(c) Understanding the mechanics of the ship
(d) Understanding the lofty motives of this voyage

5. Why does Ransom eat so much food when they have a meal after landing?
(a) In case he has an opportunity to escape
(b) It's strange food and he really likes it
(c) Space travel has made him hungry
(d) They gave him very little food while traveling

6. The nameless pedestrian who is walking along an English lane is called:
(a) Jerrold Jones
(b) Harold James
(c) Larry Weaks
(d) Edwin Ransom

7. What is on the other side of the wall?
(a) Darkness and some strange creatures
(b) Mountains
(c) Another house with lights on
(d) A herd of cattle

8. What does the woman ask of Ransom?
(a) To find out how late Harry plans to be
(b) To make sure Harry is sent home safely
(c) To help her move a sofa
(d) To carry some milk in from the barn

9. The second man, who is an accomplice to the man in question #4 and who is a physicist.
(a) Wally
(b) Weston
(c) Jack
(d) William

10. What does Ransom think might be happening?
(a) That he has become a multiple personality
(b) That he is insane and actually in a hospital on earth and the entire trip has been in his head
(c) That somehow the space travel has actually split his body and there are two Ransoms wandering the woods
(d) That he is home asleep and dreaming all of this

11. When Weston confirms that Ransom is on a spaceship, Ransom is overcome with:
(a) anger
(b) forboding
(c) fear
(d) elation

12. What does Ransom hear as he runs through the forest?
(a) Gunshots and some voices yelling
(b) Birds singing in the trees
(c) Fast, thudding steps behind him
(d) A strange snapping noise he can't place

13. Why is she concerned about Harry?
(a) He is late returning home from working at The Rise
(b) Harry has run away from home
(c) Harry is on the roof and can't get down
(d) Harry has fallen from a tree

14. To whom do Devine and Ransom plan to deliver Ransom?
(a) A sorn
(b) The king of the planet
(c) An evil wizard
(d) The elidil

15. What does Ransom do with his watch?
(a) He takes it off and puts it in his pocket
(b) He sets the correct time
(c) Nothing, he doesn't have a watch
(d) He winds it because it has stopped

Short Answer Questions

1. After Devine questions Ransom, what does he learn?

2. What are the walls made of?

3. Where does Ransom run as he's getting away?

4. What does Ransom hear when he regains consciousness?

5. When Ransom approaches a small cottage looking for a possible place to spend the night, who does he meet?

(see the answer keys)

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