Out of the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Daddy reveal to Billie Jo?
(a) He has a college fund for her
(b) He never wanted another child
(c) He thought of leaving too
(d) He didn't always love Ma

2. Where will Billie Jo not allow Louise to go?
(a) Her classroom
(b) Aunt Ellis' house
(c) Her dance recital
(d) The graves of Ma and Franklin

3. Who is James Kingsbury?
(a) Secretary of State
(b) A Canadian photographer
(c) The new Methodist minister
(d) A Congressman

4. What do the ranchers collect in the spring to feed their cows?
(a) Dandelions
(b) Ragweed
(c) Thistle
(d) Soybeans

5. At what event is Billie Jo unable to play the piano because her hands hurt?
(a) Sunday church services
(b) Arley's wedding anniversary
(c) Graduation
(d) A dance recital

6. Why does Billie Jo tell her father to go to the doctor?
(a) Because of swollen joints
(b) Because of his depression
(c) Because of the spots on his face
(d) Because of his weight loss

7. What does Billie Jo place over her nose to prevent breathing in the dust while she's in bed?
(a) Hat
(b) Hanky
(c) Scarf
(d) Wet cloth

8. Where is the talent contest held?
(a) The Palace
(b) The VFW hall
(c) The church hall
(d) The school auditorium

9. Billie Jo feels _____________ in the presence of her father.
(a) Happy
(b) Alone
(c) Sad
(d) Nothing

10. The sheriff catches some men producing _________________ down by the river.
(a) Tobacco
(b) Moonshine
(c) Marijuana
(d) Noise

11. Which of the following is not on Billie's Jo's list of things she is thankful for at Thanksgiving?
(a) Textbooks
(b) Home
(c) Food without dust
(d) Daddy's smile

12. Where does Aunt Ellis live?
(a) Albuquerque, New Mexico
(b) Waco, Texas
(c) Lubbock, Texas
(d) Portland, Oregon

13. What does the sheriff give to Miss Freeland for the children?
(a) Books
(b) Clothes
(c) Sugar
(d) Crayons

14. To what city is Mad Dog going?
(a) Lubbock
(b) Dallas
(c) Amarillo
(d) Waco

15. What does the passenger leave Billie Jo when he goes?
(a) Bible
(b) Money
(c) Food
(d) A picture of his family

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daddy do when a good rain comes following the snow?

2. What item is not made for this year's Christmas dinner?

3. Mrs. Love, the government lady, takes applications for males to work ____________ jobs.

4. What makes the people of Oklahoma begin to think that the dust plague might be over?

5. In what city does Billie Jo get off the train?

(see the answer keys)

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