Out of the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what event is Billie Jo unable to play the piano because her hands hurt?
(a) A dance recital
(b) Sunday church services
(c) Graduation
(d) Arley's wedding anniversary

2. What do Billie Jo and the passenger have in common?
(a) The need to escape the dust
(b) The same birth date
(c) Bad home lives
(d) Fear of being alone

3. What does Billie Jo think her father is looking for when he looks at her?
(a) Her grammar
(b) Her hygiene
(c) Traces of Ma
(d) Her manners

4. Which of the following is not on Billie's Jo's list of things she is thankful for at Thanksgiving?
(a) Home
(b) Daddy's smile
(c) Food without dust
(d) Textbooks

5. What does Billie Jo find in a box of baby clothes?
(a) Old pictures
(b) Dimes Ma saved
(c) Love letters
(d) Pressed flowers in a book

6. What is the content of the letter from Aunt Ellis?
(a) She sends details about her will
(b) She invites Billie Jo and Daddy to come for a visit
(c) She wants Billie Jo to come live with her
(d) She informs Daddy of a relative's death

7. Of what disease does Pete Guyton, the produce man, die?
(a) Heart attack
(b) Dust Pneumonia
(c) Kidney failure
(d) Cancer

8. To what event do Billie Jo and her father go all dressed up?
(a) A neighbor's wedding
(b) The Spring Fling
(c) A cousin's funeral
(d) The President's Ball

9. Where is the talent contest held?
(a) The VFW hall
(b) The church hall
(c) The Palace
(d) The school auditorium

10. Who has moved into the schoolhouse?
(a) The head of the school board
(b) The minister
(c) A family of five
(d) Miss Freeland

11. Which of the following does the piano not represent for Billie Jo?
(a) Success
(b) Ma
(c) Comfort
(d) Acceptance

12. After Mad Dog's performance, Billie Jo knows that he ________________________.
(a) Is master of his own future
(b) Will be coming home soon
(c) Will be changing careers
(d) Will never return to this town

13. What does the sheriff give to Miss Freeland for the children?
(a) Sugar
(b) Books
(c) Clothes
(d) Crayons

14. Who is Louise?
(a) The new phone operator in town
(b) Daddy's lady friend
(c) Billie Jo's aunt
(d) Doc Rice's nurse

15. Which of the following does not catch on fire in the town?
(a) Cars
(b) The church
(c) Railroad cars
(d) The school

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the passenger ask Billie Jo for?

2. What do the thoughts of her mother prompt Billie Jo to do?

3. Where does Billie Jo go in the middle of the night?

4. What does the passenger take from Billie Jo when he leaves?

5. Why does Billie Jo tell her father to go to the doctor?

(see the answer keys)

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