Our Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Our Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Simon Stimwell die?
(a) War wound.
(b) Disease.
(c) Car accident.
(d) Suicide.

2. What office in the student council did George hold?
(a) Vice President.
(b) Secretary.
(c) President.
(d) Treasurer.

3. What does the stage manager do after George enters the cemetery?
(a) Holds him.
(b) Draws the curtain over the scene.
(c) Cries with George.
(d) Leads him away from the cemetary.

4. What does George tell Emily is so hard for a fella' as he talks to her after the student council elections?
(a) Allowing faults to creep into his character.
(b) Hiding his feelings.
(c) Avoiding conceit.
(d) Denying pretty girls.

5. What does Dr. Gibbs put on Emily's grave?
(a) Her wedding dress.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A picture.
(d) A bottle of wine.

6. According to the stage manager, what almost always accompanies youth and love?
(a) Trouble.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) Jealousy.
(d) Craziness.

7. How did Emily die?
(a) Child birth.
(b) Disease.
(c) Car accident.
(d) Suicide.

8. What does George ask Emily to do while he is at college?
(a) Not date other guys.
(b) Write him letters.
(c) Visit his mom.
(d) Call him on the phone.

9. What do Mrs. Gibbs's relatives say about her gravestone?
(a) The saying is not appropriate for her.
(b) It is much simpler than she would have liked.
(c) It is too fancy.
(d) It suits her perfectly.

10. What does Mr. Webb ask George just before he marries Emily?
(a) If he really knows what being a husband will entail.
(b) If he can calm Emily down.
(c) If he can take care of Emily.
(d) If he truly loves Emily.

11. How old is Emily when she begins her new life?
(a) 18.
(b) 14.
(c) 16.
(d) 12.

12. What two terms do the dead use to describe life?
(a) Carefree and simple.
(b) Awful and wonderful.
(c) Loving and hateful.
(d) Mundane and hectic.

13. Why does Mrs. Webb say she is crying at the wedding?
(a) She is worried.
(b) She doesn't know.
(c) She does not think this will last.
(d) She feels it all went too fast.

14. Why does George decide to not go to college after all?
(a) He wants to pursue his baseball career.
(b) He is afraid to leave his mother alone.
(c) He and Emily realize they are meant to be together.
(d) He does not get good enough grades.

15. What does the stage manager say during a pause in the wedding?
(a) Emily was wise to fear this wedding.
(b) Love is a beautiful thing.
(c) The patterns of life repeat themselves.
(d) One of these young people will die soon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Emily say about the Earth?

2. What is the setting of the first scene in Act 3?

3. What does George say that he is celebrating with Emily?

4. How does George answer the stage manager's question to Emily after the Student Council elections?

5. What does Emily worry about as she drinks her soda with George?

(see the answer keys)

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