Our Mutual Friend Test | Final Test - Medium

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Our Mutual Friend Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tries to convince Riah to give the debtor who owes him money a break in Book 3, Chapter 13 but to no avail?
(a) Wilfer.
(b) Rokesmith.
(c) Twemlow.
(d) Fledgeby.

2. Who visits Jenny at her store in Book 4, Chapter 7?
(a) Boffin.
(b) Fledgeby.
(c) Riah.
(d) Lammle.

3. What does Mrs. Lammle say is only a screen for Fledgeby in Book 3, Chapter 17?
(a) That Twemlow owes Riah money.
(b) That Fledgeby is a hypochondriac.
(c) That Riah is a miser.
(d) That Mrs. Boffin is a pauper.

4. Who does Potterson try to revive in Book 3, Chapter 3?
(a) Riah.
(b) Pleasant.
(c) Eugene.
(d) Rogue.

5. What does Bella talk to Rokesmith about in Book 3, Chapter 9?
(a) Hexam's temper with his son.
(b) Boffin's poor treatment of him.
(c) Mortimer's passion for arguments.
(d) Lizzie's estrangement from Eugene.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jenny warn Riah about in Book 3, Chapter 13?

2. What does Mrs. Boffin think her husband is becoming in Book 3, Chapter 5?

3. Who did Riah lend money that comes to his doorstep in Book 3, Chapter 13?

4. Who is devastated to hear of the unfortunate circumstances of friends in Book 4, Chapter 2?

5. Who has been helping out at the Bower along with Silas in Book 3, Chapter 14?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Lizzie's interaction with Eugene in Book 4, Chapter 6.

2. What does Lizzie tell Bella in Book 3, Chapter 9?

3. Describe Betty Higden's interactions after she leaves the Boffins.

4. Why is Noddy Boffin annoyed with Rokesmith in Book 3, Chapter 15?

5. How does Bella show that you can be poor yet happy in her marriage choice in Book 4, Chapter 4?

6. How are Riderhood and Bradley punished for their own crimes in Book 4, Chapter 15?

7. Describe Eugene Wrayburn's visit to Jenny Wren's store in Book 3, Chapter 10.

8. What happens when Bradley goes in search of Eugene in Book 4, Chapter 1?

9. What does Venus confess to Boffin?

10. Describe Bradley's interactions at Wrayburn's house in Book 3, Chapter 11.

(see the answer keys)

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