Our Mutual Friend Test | Final Test - Medium

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Our Mutual Friend Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mr. and Mrs. Lammle's property is about to be auctioned off, who does Mrs. Lammle go to visit in Book 3, Chapter 17?
(a) Twemlow.
(b) Dustman.
(c) Rokesmith.
(d) Boffin.

2. Who warns the Lammles to stay away from Georgiana?
(a) Miss Hexam.
(b) Mr. Wegg.
(c) Mr. Podsnap.
(d) Mr. Lightwood.

3. What happens when Eugene is attacked in Book 4, Chapter 6?
(a) He succumbs to wounds and dies.
(b) He becomes unconscious and wakes up in a tomb.
(c) Lizzie rescues him and takes him to the doctor.
(d) He fights his assailants bravely and wins.

4. When the visitor begins to choke from a mixture rubbed on the face, what does he say to Jenny in Book 4, Chapter 8?
(a) That Mr. Wilfer is a happy fool.
(b) That Noddy Boffin is a miser.
(c) That Ms. Hexam is strong.
(d) That Alfred Lammle has assaulted him.

5. What does Mrs. Boffin think her husband is becoming in Book 3, Chapter 5?
(a) A pauper.
(b) A fool.
(c) A miser.
(d) A widower.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who glares at Rokesmith at breakfast in Book 3, Chapter 15?

2. Who goes to visit the Veneerings in Book 4, Chapter 17?

3. Who comes to talk to Fledgeby in Book 3, Chapter 1?

4. Who feels murderous towards Wrayburn in Book 3, Chapter 11?

5. Who visits Jenny Wren's store and tries to buy a doll in Book 3, Chapter 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lizzie tell Bella in Book 3, Chapter 9?

2. What does Bella talk to her father about at his wedding anniversary in Book 3, Chapter 4?

3. How has Bella's relationship with John changed her views of money and life in Book 4, Chapter 5?

4. How does Bella show that you can be poor yet happy in her marriage choice in Book 4, Chapter 4?

5. What happens when Bella visits her father at his office in Book 3, Chapter 16?

6. Why does John Rokesmith refuse to see Mortimer?

7. How does Wegg fail in his plan of humiliating Noddy Boffin in Book 4, Chapter 14?

8. Describe how Boffin is warned about Wegg's behavior in Book 4, Chapter 3 of Book 4.

9. What is Bella perturbed about Mr. Boffin in Book 3, Chapter 5?

10. How does Jenny help Fledgeby in Book 4, Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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