Our Mutual Friend Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Our Mutual Friend Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Rokesmith show interest in Book 2, Chapter 8?
(a) Lavinia.
(b) Bella.
(c) John.
(d) Charley.

2. What do the Boffins show their visitor related to John Harmon?
(a) His letters and books.
(b) His clothes and toys.
(c) His savings and accounts.
(d) The room kept for him.

3. What does Silas Wegg do on a London corner?
(a) Dance non-stop.
(b) Play music.
(c) Fight with locals.
(d) Set up a small shop.

4. Who does not appear to approve of Bradley Headstone at the school?
(a) Georgiania Podshap.
(b) Miss Peecher.
(c) Jenny Wren.
(d) Lizzie Hexam.

5. What was John Rokesmith afraid of becoming that made him take on a different persona?
(a) An accountant.
(b) A sailor.
(c) Lazy.
(d) Like his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 1, Chapter 10, where are wedding preparations underway?

2. Why is Bella resentful towards Rokesmith?

3. Where are Mortimer Lightwood and Eugene Wrayburn sitting when they discuss their office space?

4. Where does Mrs. Veneering go with Mr. Podsnap in Book 2, Chapter 3?

5. Near what bridge does Jessie and his companion pass?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Mr. Venus.

2. Describe the social situation at the Veneering party in Book 1, Chapter 2.

3. Describe Mrs. Veneering.

4. Describe the inhabitants of the Boffin household by Book 1, Chapter 17.

5. Describe the arrangement Betty makes with the Boffins in Book 2, Chapter 14.

6. Describe Bella's role in John Harmon's fortune in Book 1, Chapter 4.

7. Describe the man who comes to the Riderhood residence in Book 2, Chapter 12.

8. What does Lightwood discover when he goes to find the sender of the note in Book 1, Chapter 3?

9. Describe Silas Wegg.

10. Describe Miss Peecher.

(see the answer keys)

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