Our Mutual Friend Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Our Mutual Friend Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14, Mr. Wegg Prepares a Grindstone for Mr. Boffin's Nose; Chapter 15, The Golden Dustman at his Worst; Chapter 16, The Feast of the Three Hobgoblins; and Chapter 17, A Social Chorus.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mr. and Mrs. Lammle's property is about to be auctioned off, who does Mrs. Lammle go to visit in Book 3, Chapter 17?
(a) Dustman.
(b) Twemlow.
(c) Rokesmith.
(d) Boffin.

2. Who has been masquerading as John Rokesmith?
(a) Charley Hexam.
(b) Jessie Hexam.
(c) John Harmon.
(d) Gaffer Rogue.

3. Who does Eugene see through the window at the Hexam home?
(a) Henrietta.
(b) Lizzie.
(c) Bella.
(d) John.

4. For whom does Rokesmith try to arrange schooling in Book 2, Chapter 14?
(a) Wegg.
(b) Sloopy.
(c) Wigham.
(d) Boffin.

5. Who is Rokesmith supposed to marry?
(a) Lizzie Hexam.
(b) Jenny Wren.
(c) Bella Wilfer.
(d) Georgiana Podsnap.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Headstone accuse Lizzie of accepting in Book 2, Chapter 15?

2. Where does Bella go after leaving the Boffins in Book 3, Chapter 16?

3. Who profess their love for each other in Book 3, Chapter 16?

4. Who is killed mistakenly according to Rokesmith?

5. Who does Rokesmith refuse to communicate with in Book 1, Chapter 16?

(see the answer key)

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