Our Man in Havana Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Our Man in Havana Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Wormold worry?
(a) his pension won't be enough to take Milly to England
(b) he can't pay for the new inventory
(c) he has gambling debts
(d) his business is failing

2. The cable basically says that Hawthorne has:
(a) fired Wormold
(b) been replaced
(c) no further need for Wormold's services
(d) received no information from Wormold

3. The police:
(a) call Dr. Hasselbacher
(b) escort Wormold to his hotel
(c) release Wormold
(d) areest Wormold

4. In regards to Hawthorne, Wormold finds that the Consulate:
(a) denies knowing any Mr. Hawthorne
(b) speaks highly of Hawthorne
(c) doesn't like Hawthorne
(d) says Hawthorne has been fired

5. What is Mr. Wormold's occupation?
(a) vacuum cleaner salesman
(b) bar owner
(c) consular official
(d) ship's captain

Short Answer Questions

1. Wormold tells Hasselbacher that he was offered money:

2. Regarding his trip, Wormold tells Hawthorne that the purpose is to:

3. As the blind Negro walks, he:

4. Hawthorne is known as:

5. When Wormold asks Lopez if he wants to earn a little extra money, Lopez thinks:

Short Essay Questions

1. What indicates that Wormold didn't know what he was getting into when he accepted money from Hawthorne?

2. Why does Beatrice become suspicious of the night of Raul's intended flight?

3. Why is Wormold questioned by the police in Santiago?

4. When Wormold writes to his sister, what does he tell her?

5. What word is Mr. Wormold worried about with his vacuum cleaner business?

6. How does Wormold keep Beatrice from finding his agents?

7. What warning is contained in the cables from London?

8. Why does Wormold tell Hasselbacher that he was given money to provide information?

9. Why is there a curfew in Santiago?

10. Why is Wormold going through his index card list of agents the next morning?

(see the answer keys)

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