Our Man in Havana Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Our Man in Havana Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Wormold and Hasselbacher do every morning?
(a) play cards
(b) meet for a daiquiri
(c) go for a walk
(d) read the paper

2. Wormold learns that the Red Vulture is:
(a) a rare exotic bird
(b) Captain Segura
(c) a bar
(d) a drink

3. Wormold invents his sub-agents by:
(a) talking to people and finding the ones who were interested
(b) finding names in the newspaper
(c) asking at a bar
(d) selecting names from the Country Club list

4. When Wormold goes to the Consulate to pick-up a cable, he learns that:
(a) they want him to talk with the security staff
(b) they are waiting for a full report
(c) they want to question him
(d) they don't want to know anything about his activities

5. Beatrice tells Wormold that London's impression of him is that he is:
(a) a small businessman
(b) a hustler
(c) an old fashioned merchant king
(d) a wealthy land owner

6. The cable Wormold received came from:
(a) Miami
(b) London
(c) Ottawa
(d) Kingston

7. What does Wormold find that Beatrice wants him to do:
(a) intoduce her to his agents
(b) move to a bigger office
(c) give up the vacuum cleaner business
(d) move to a house

8. As the blind Negro walks, he:
(a) counts the number of steps
(b) sings
(c) greets people
(d) looks around

9. Dr. Hasselbacher is upset because:
(a) he had a fight at the Wonder Bar
(b) his apartment has been searched and ransacked
(c) he lsot his lottery ticket
(d) Wormold has been out of town

10. Which of the following does Hawthorne not considered a necessity for Wormold's office:
(a) trained staff
(b) combination-safe
(c) a gun
(d) radio

11. Who does Wormold find is driving Milly home from school:
(a) Captain Segura
(b) Mother Superior
(c) Dr. Hasselbacher
(d) her boyfriend

12. Milly:
(a) works at the consulate
(b) is a nun
(c) attends a convent school
(d) is Dr. Hasselbacher's assistant

13. Wormold tells Hasselbacher that he was offered money:
(a) for women
(b) to leave town
(c) for his business
(d) to provide information

14. Where is Wormold planning to take Milly for her birthday:
(a) on a cruise
(b) shopping
(c) to a nightclub
(d) on a picnic

15. What does Wormold learn at the bank?
(a) he has an overdraft of fifty dollars
(b) he is refused for a loan
(c) the bank refuses to do business with him
(d) his deposit didn't go through

Short Answer Questions

1. In regards to Hawthorne, Wormold finds that the Consulate:

2. How does Wormold know which page, line and word of the book to use to decode the message?

3. What did Milly do at the age of thirteen when a boy pulled her hair?

4. In Havana, Wormold receives a panicky phone call from:

5. Wormold writes his sister that the vacuum cleaners aren't selling well because of:

(see the answer keys)

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