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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why did Famie particularly hate landlords?
(a) They raised rents without notice.
(b) They evicted the wives and children of soldiers.
(c) They didn't maintain their properties.
(d) They made unannounced inspections.
2. What did Mrs. Drake do for Jamie in exchange for his doing odd jobs around her house?
(a) Cooked him hot meals.
(b) Bought his bus tickets.
(c) Paid his tuition.
(d) Read books to him.
3. Where is Jamie's childhood home?
(a) Ayrshire, Scotland.
(b) Dublin, Ireland.
(c) Liverpool, England.
(d) Edinburgh, Scotland.
4. What was Granda's mother's name?
(a) Famie.
(b) Fran.
(c) Fannie.
(d) Fontella.
5. Why is Jamie's family going to Scotland?
(a) For a vacation.
(b) It is their home.
(c) On a business trip.
(d) To buy property.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Gran place in drinking glasses?
2. Where did Hugh's wife work after she moved to Glasgow?
3. In what month does Jamie return home?
4. What takes the place of drinking and shouting in Jamie's life when he lives with his grandparents?
5. Where does Jamie suggest he should stay?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe Gran Margie as Jamie sees her for the first time in ten years.
2. Describe how Famie became a political figure and advocate for a rent strikes movement.
3. Why does Jamie feel the need to protect his mother from his father?
4. What feelings of Granda Hugh's come out regarding Jamie's leaving home years ago?
5. How does the author use weather as a literary device to convey mood?
6. Describe the nature of the relationship between Famie and her husband, Thomas.
7. What happened that made Famie hate the Irish people?
8. Describe the relationship between Hugh and his son, Robert.
9. What eases some of Jamie's sadness at having to leave Mrs. Drake?
10. What has Mrs. Drake given Jamie before he leaves on his trip?
This section contains 971 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |