Oryx and Crake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oryx and Crake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 7 (pages 145-169).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Jimmy's father's computer?
(a) Crake sets it on fire.
(b) Jimmy's mom steals it.
(c) It is confiscated by police.
(d) Jimmy's mom smashes it.

2. Why can't Snowman tell what time it is?
(a) He forgot how to tell time.
(b) He does not have a watch.
(c) His watch is broken.
(d) His watch is at the Craker's village.

3. Where has Snowman been sleeping?
(a) In an old bath tub.
(b) In a tree.
(c) In a watch tower.
(d) On the beach.

4. What name does Jimmy's mom use when she signs postcards?
(a) Marsha.
(b) Mary.
(c) Monica.
(d) Marshall.

5. What are Crakers?
(a) New homes designed by Crake.
(b) The cities Crake developed.
(c) The new humans created by Crake.
(d) The genetically modified animals designed by Crake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Snowman try to conjure before he goes to bed at night in his tree?

2. What types of names do many of the Crakers have?

3. Who does Snowman pretend to ask for stubble for the children?

4. What is the author's purpose in the first two sections of the novel?

5. What animals cannot be hunted?

(see the answer key)

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