Orthodoxy Test | Final Test - Hard

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Orthodoxy Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two extremes does Chesterton foresee in man's future?

2. How does Chesterton contrast pantheism and action?

3. What problem did Christianity solve which Paganism could not?

4. Chesterton notes a startling difference between Christian and Buddhist art. What is this difference?

5. Why, in the abstract, does Chesterton disapprove of long, complicated words?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the first time that Chesterton felt he had stumbled onto a path that was familiar to some? How did Christianity mirror his own thoughts?

2. What nearly persuaded Chesterton to become a Christian? Why was this thought frightening?

3. Why are liberals not free thinkers? What argument is made in Chapter VIII, The Romance of Orthodoxy, about confusion within language?

4. As Chesterton shows in Chapter VI, The Paradoxes of Christianity, what is Christianity's view of man? How can it hold to this argument?

5. At the end of Chapter V, The Flag of the World, what transformation does Chesterton describe? How did the transformation address his question of optimism and pessimism?

6. Chesterton says that the primary evil with the pessimist is that he does not love what he chastises. How is this true?

7. The Church holds to some strict doctrines regarding man and his actions. Why is she so strict? Is it possible for her to swerve in her beliefs?

8. What does Chesterton say is the most sensible ideal for nature? Is this a valid ideal? Why or why not?

9. As Chesterton argues, why does love seek individuality and personality? Is this true only in relation to man or also in relation to God?

10. How does Chesterton explain the modern view of miracles? Is this view contradictory?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compile the examples Chesterton gives from Bernard Shaw's writings and speeches. What kind of thinker is Shaw? How does he differ from Chesterton? How is he similar?

Essay Topic 2

Why does God exult in what appears to humans as monotony? Does this lead to a sense of infancy or dullness misunderstood? What is Chesterton's reaction to this perception of God?

Essay Topic 3

What comfort does Chesterton find in the thought that God hides his mirth from man? How does that picture speak to God's greatness? How does it reinforce the idea that man is full of joy? Draw your arguments from Chesterton's statements about God's character which are given throughout Orthodoxy.

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