Orthodoxy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Orthodoxy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter IV: The Ethics of Elfland.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Chesterton say that someone might be entertained by reading the book Orthodoxy?
(a) Chesterton wandered far to discover the truths he could have found in the nearby church.
(b) Chesterton tells stories rather than arguing a point.
(c) Chesterton has a good sense of humor.
(d) Chesterton's quest was fruitless from the beginning, but it took him a long time to realize it.

2. What, in Chesterton's example, might God have an eternal appetite for?
(a) Repetition.
(b) Infancy.
(c) Theatrics.
(d) Fairytales.

3. In the same story of the sailor, what is better than discovering a new land?
(a) Claiming the new land for your own.
(b) Settling the new land and making it familiar.
(c) Discovering that the new land is really the old one.
(d) Returning home to the old land.

4. In Chesterton's story about the sailor, what mistake does the man make?
(a) He does not take enough fresh water.
(b) He thinks England is a new island in the South Seas.
(c) From the harbor, he sets out in the wrong direction.
(d) He navigates by the sun rather than by the stars.

5. What problem, according to Chesterton, is the central issue in the book?
(a) Defending tradition in the face of unnecessary change.
(b) Being simultaneously surprised by and at home in the world.
(c) Showing, through every facet, that the Christian faith is true.
(d) Constantly seeking the new idea.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Chesterton, what is too big an undertaking for a book even of a larger scope?

2. How does Chesterton end Chapter One?

3. What is the title of Chapter I?

4. How does Chesterton define tradition in political terms?

5. How does H. G. Wells perceive categories of things?

(see the answer key)

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