Orthodoxy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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Orthodoxy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter II: The Maniac.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the middle of Chapter One, why does Chesterton say this book is a joke on him?
(a) He went looking for something that is already known.
(b) He wrote it so he could win a bet.
(c) No one around him agrees with his argument.
(d) He does not take its content seriously.

2. What is the title of Chapter I?
(a) Introduction and Seduction of Thought.
(b) Introduction in Defense of Everything Else.
(c) The Paradoxes of Christianity and Everything Else.
(d) The Romance of Orthodoxy.

3. Why, earlier in Chapter One, does Chesterton tell the story of the sailor?
(a) To explain his picture of God.
(b) He is that sailor.
(c) The sailor will appear throughout the book.
(d) To illustrate his idea of wonder.

4. In Chapter One, what has Christianity named the mixture of the well-known and the unknown?
(a) Transubstantiation.
(b) Romance.
(c) Mystery.
(d) Incarnation.

5. Why does Chesterton call the cross "the symbol at once of mystery and of health?" (Chesterton 2000, pg. 188).
(a) It does not represent the closed system of Eastern thought.
(b) Its arms extend throughout the whole world.
(c) Its shocking history draws believers in.
(d) Its power contradicts its history.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Chesterton at the beginning of the first chapter, why did he write the book?

2. In fairy tales and fiction, what change does Chesterton name that makes the stories monotonous?

3. What choice faces the modern religious philosopher, according to Chesterton?

4. How does Chesterton feel about the book Orthodoxy once it is completed?

5. What thing does Chesterton despise more than anything else?

(see the answer key)

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