Oroonoko: An Authoritative Text, Historical Backgrounds, Criticism Test | Final Test - Medium

Southerne, Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Oroonoko: An Authoritative Text, Historical Backgrounds, Criticism Test | Final Test - Medium

Southerne, Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the two people who have betrayed Oroonoko in Act IV, Scene II?
(a) Hottman and Governor.
(b) Governor and Blanford.
(c) Aboan and Hottman.
(d) Captain and Governor.

2. Which of the following is not something Welldon and Jack discuss in Act IV, Scene I?
(a) How Welldon will remain married to Mrs. Lackitt.
(b) How Jack may later marry Mrs. Lackitt.
(c) How Jack and Welldon will both get money out of Mrs. Lackitt.
(d) How Jack beds Mrs. Lackitt even though Welldon is married to her.

3. Why does Imoinda request that Oroonoko kill her in Act III, Scene II?
(a) She does not want to be with Oroonoko any longer.
(b) She does not want to be a slave any longer.
(c) She does not want her children born into slavery.
(d) She does not want to lie with the governor.

4. What does Aboan mean by the line: "...I see Love has your Heart, and takes up all your thoughts" in Act III, Scene II?
(a) That Imoinda is not thinking clearly and is blinded by love.
(b) That Imoinda has never thought more clearly because of love.
(c) That Oroonoko's not thinking clearly and is blinded by love.
(d) That Oroonoko has never thought more clearly because of love.

5. Why do the slaves fall on the ground asking for the governor's forgiveness?
(a) Because the governor has threatened to kill them otherwise.
(b) Because they love the governor as their master.
(c) Because Oroonoko told them to.
(d) Because the governor has offered them a pardon for their behavior.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters does not ask for pardon?

2. Who has a soliloquy in Act IV, Scene I?

3. After Blanford leaves in Act III, Scene II, what does Aboan caution Oroonoko?

4. What does Widow Lackitt threaten to do to Lucy in Act III, Scene III?

5. Which of the following people do not know of the trick Welldon is playing on the widow?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Act IV, what is the situation between Welldon, Jack and Mrs. Lackitt?

2. What is the lesson behind the captain's death and did we know it was coming?

3. What does Aboan say that Oroonoko does not understand in Act III Scene II?

4. What happens at the end of Act IV, Scene II?

5. What is the tone of the beginning of Act IV, Scene II and how do you know?

6. What is Oroonoko's plan in Act III, Scene IV?

7. In Act III, Scene III, what does Welldon suggest he do so that he and Widow Lackitt may get married?

8. Describe the character Aboan in Act III.

9. What does Welldon give Stanmore at the end of Act IV, Scene I, what do they talk about and what is Stanmore's reaction?

10. What nickname does Welldon suggest Mrs.Lackitt call him and how is this ironic?

(see the answer keys)

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