Orientalism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Orientalism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who invented for himself the name of "stud. philol." in 1777 (131)?
(a) Henri Baudet.
(b) Henry Thomas Colebrooke.
(c) Barthelemy d'Herbelot.
(d) Friedrich August Wolf.

2. When was the first installment of The Citizen of the World published?
(a) 1852.
(b) 1795.
(c) 1740.
(d) 1760.

3. Who wrote The Persians, which is the earliest Athenian play extant?
(a) Aeschylus.
(b) Socrates.
(c) Homer.
(d) Plato.

4. Silvestre de Sacy's family were adherents to what Catholic theological movement?
(a) Jansenism.
(b) Expressionism.
(c) Othodoxism.
(d) Calvinism.

5. When did the British occupation of Egypt begin during the Anglo-Egyptian War?
(a) 1882.
(b) 1892.
(c) 1876.
(d) 1889.

6. Who wrote Le Genie des Religions?
(a) Henri Baudet.
(b) Julius Mohl.
(c) Edgar Quinet.
(d) Gaston Bachelard.

7. Who is the author of L'Ame Romantique et le Reve?
(a) Anquetil-Duperron.
(b) Claude Levi-Strauss.
(c) Raymond Schwab.
(d) Albert Beguin.

8. Who said that "the Orient advances, invincible, fatal to the gods of light by the charm of its dreams, by the magic of its chiaroscuro" (73)?
(a) Schwab.
(b) Michelet.
(c) Nietzsche.
(d) Baudilaire.

9. How much money was Lord Cromer given on July 30, 1907 as a retirement prize for what he had done in Egypt?
(a) 50,000 pounds.
(b) 100,000 pounds.
(c) 30,000 pounds.
(d) 20,000 pounds.

10. The author states in Chapter 1, "By and large, until the mid-eighteenth century Orientalists were" what (51)?
(a) "Biblical scholars."
(b) "Anthropologists."
(c) "Philanthropists."
(d) "Philological scholars."

11. Who wrote the two-volume logbook titled Ving-sept Ans d'Historie des Etudes Orientales?
(a) Edgar Quinet.
(b) Gustave Dugat.
(c) Claude Levi-Strauss.
(d) Julius Mohl.

12. When was William Whiston expelled from Cambridge for his Islamic enthusiasm?
(a) 1665.
(b) 1709.
(c) 1800.
(d) 1798.

13. Who is cited as having said in 1881, "When you have got a ... faithful ally who is bent on meddling in a country in which you are deeply interested--you have three courses open to you" (41)?
(a) Lord Salisbury.
(b) Henry Kissinger.
(c) Sir Alfred Lyall.
(d) Edgar Quinet.

14. When did Silvestre de Sacy write Principes de Grammaire Generale?
(a) 1756.
(b) 1799.
(c) 1823.
(d) 1712.

15. What word from Chapter 2 means capricious or impulsive?
(a) Gregarious.
(b) Astute.
(c) Quixotic.
(d) Articulate.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Louis Lambert published?

2. When did Napoleon invade Egypt?

3. Who wrote Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes?

4. Who was the first East India Company official who mastered Sanskrit and began to translate the Institutes of Manu?

5. The author notes in Chapter 1 that from 1815 to 1914 European direct colonial dominion expanded from about 35% of the earth's surface to what percent?

(see the answer keys)

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