Ordinary Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Kent Krueger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ordinary Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Kent Krueger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How was Bobby Cole killed?
(a) He fell off a steep cliff.
(b) He was strangled.
(c) He was run over by a speeding train.
(d) He drowned.

2. What circumstances led to Emil's blindness and facial scarring?
(a) War wounds.
(b) A boating accident.
(c) A bar fight.
(d) A fire.

3. Why do Frank and Jake walk home from the jail instead of riding in their father's car?
(a) Their father does not tell them why they have to walk home.
(b) Frank wants to try peeping at their next door neighbor before returning home.
(c) Gus throws up in their father's backseat.
(d) Jake wants to go break out Morris' headlights before returning home.

4. What two queries does Frank make of Karl during the ride in the Triumph?
(a) He asks if Karl wants Ariel to attend Juilliard and what it is like to act in a play.
(b) He asks if Karl loves his mother and if he thinks she will make a good mother-in-law for Ariel.
(c) He asks whether Karl wants to go to Hollywood someday and whether he wants to be a celebrity or not.
(d) He asks if Karl loves Ariel and if he intends to marry her.

5. How do Jake and Frank feel about their sister Ariel?
(a) They are jealous of her musical ability.
(b) They adore her.
(c) They resent her status as their mother's favorite child.
(d) They feel they can never live up to her level of academic success.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who fixes Jake's suit?

2. When Ariel suggests she may not attend Juilliard, what alternative does she present to her parents?

3. When Frank leaves Emil and Lise's house and goes to Warren Redstone's lean-to, who does he see there?

4. What reason does Julie give for saying Emil's suicide attempt is fortunate?

5. What prompts Ruth to bring food to the Klements' house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What lengths has Gus gone to in order to make sure Nathan does not know of the card games he runs in the basement of the church?

2. What are the purposes of the Drum family's visit to Emil and Lise Brandt's house?

3. How does Frank convince his dad to give him the tire iron for the boys' walk home from the jail and what do they subsequently do with it?

4. When Frank and Jake come upon the Indian man and the apparently lifeless man referred to as Skipper, the Indian man says, "Know what I like about railroad tracks? They're always there but they're always moving" (32). When Jake replies, "Just like a river" (32), why is Frank shocked at Jake's reply?

5. What is the outcome of Nathan's and Gus' search for Travis Klement, the man they know to have beaten his wife and son?

6. During Gus' and Frank's conversation about Nathan's experiences in the war, what two sources of information does Gus warn Frank against heeding?

7. What is significant about Nathan's query to the boys about whether Gus had been winning at poker?

8. How does Officer Doyle's search of Warren Redstone's lean-to sway the reader's opinion of Warren Redstone's character?

9. What causes Frank to abruptly run away from the Indian man and to drag Jake along with him?

10. How does Nathan react to Father Peter's communication with him about the townspeople's problems with Ruth?

(see the answer keys)

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