Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jean tell the church?
(a) Her love affair with Melanie never ended.
(b) She was weak and the demon repossessed her.
(c) Love is never a sin.
(d) She would always love women.

2. What does Jean's visitor tell her while she is locked in?
(a) All of the above.
(b) Demons aren't evil, just different.
(c) She shouldn't believe everything she reads in the Bible.
(d) If she ignores this issue, she'll end up in pieces.

3. What does the sorcerer want of Winnet?
(a) To be his apprentice.
(b) To be his daughter.
(c) To carry a message for him.
(d) To convince the townspeople to trust him.

4. What do Jean's mother and the pastor argue about?
(a) How suited Jean would be to be a missionary.
(b) If Jean can still preach at church.
(c) Whether Jean is a wicked person or unfortunate victim.
(d) The best way to exorcise demons.

5. What does the sorcerer do to the boy Winnet befriends?
(a) Challenges him to a duel.
(b) Makes him a stronger sorcerer than Winnet.
(c) Ridicules him in front of Winnet.
(d) Blames him for spoiling Winnet and casts him out.

6. What do Jean and Mrs. Jewsbury do after Jean is accused at church?
(a) Drink brandy.
(b) All of the above.
(c) Make love.
(d) Talk.

7. What is Jean's mother's response to the news about Jean's sexuality?
(a) She tells Jean they will always be family no matter what she does.
(b) She breaks every plate in the house and calls the pastor.
(c) She demands Jean leave immediately for missionary school.
(d) She confesses her own affair with another woman.

8. What does Winnet do for the boy?
(a) Defends him to the sorcerer.
(b) All the above.
(c) Tells him to deny her and blame her to the sorcerer so he can be free.
(d) She sets him free from his cell.

9. What does the pastor tell Jean when they run into each other?
(a) That Melanie never loved her.
(b) That the church missed her and her energy.
(c) The church was better without her.
(d) That he had handled the situation poorly.

10. Who knew about Jean and Melanie and tried to help them?
(a) Elsie.
(b) Jean's father.
(c) The shoolmaster.
(d) Melainie's mother.

11. Who comes to visit Jean while she is locked in her room?
(a) The pastor.
(b) Elsie.
(c) An orange demon.
(d) Melanie.

12. What are the names of the sorcerer's ravens?
(a) Each one was one of the seven deadly sins.
(b) Faith, Hope, and Charity.
(c) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
(d) Fate and Destiny.

13. What is the meeting of the Sisterhood like when Jean shows up after her second affair?
(a) Unchanged from usual.
(b) Tense and awkward.
(c) Solid guidance.
(d) Supportive and loving.

14. What does Jean's mother call Jean's romantic love for another woman?
(a) Cowardice.
(b) Aping men.
(c) Rebelliousness.
(d) Intentionally mocking her.

15. According to Jean, what do people often use history for?
(a) To keep busy looking at something other than the present.
(b) A way of denying the past.
(c) To not feel lost.
(d) A way of defining self.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Jean and Melanie accused of during the sermon?

2. According to the chapter, Deuteronomy, what is time?

3. Who does Jean find when she returns home after being accused at church?

4. What is it like for Jean when Melanie visits and kisses her goodbye?

5. What do people do when they tell stories?

(see the answer keys)

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