Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jean unsure how to do?
(a) Tell men from beasts.
(b) Make babies.
(c) Get into a marriage.
(d) Choose a husband.

2. What is the moral of the story of the prince and the woman?
(a) Perfection should always be strived for.
(b) The desire for perfection makes you evil.
(c) Perfection is unobtainable.
(d) Perfection is not flawlessness, but balance.

3. What does the palm reader tell Jean one year at the fair?
(a) That she is destined for great works.
(b) That she does not know her real self.
(c) That she is a child of God.
(d) That she will never marry.

4. What does Mrs Arkwright do for Jean in the market?
(a) Lends Jean her cart to haul apples.
(b) She gives Jean some food.
(c) She lets Jean put her orange box in her stall out of the rain.
(d) She takes some of pamplets to put up herself.

5. What is Elsie's hobby?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Translating the bible.
(c) Numerology.
(d) Missionary work.

6. Who spends the most time with Jean in the hospital?
(a) Mrs Jewsbury.
(b) Jean's father, sent by her mother.
(c) Jean's mother, who even sleeps there.
(d) Elsie.

7. What does Jean's mother have her do in the market for the special conference for the Society?
(a) Stand on an orange box and shout what was going on.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Tack fliers up all around.
(d) Buy all the apples from the market to symbolically remove temptation.

8. When a sleeve of Jean's mac gets torn off at the market, what does her mother do?
(a) Takes her to buy another one.
(b) Rips the other sleeve off and calls it a vest.
(c) Tapes it back on.
(d) Says she doesn't need a mac.

9. What does Jean have to remind her not to cut corners?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Whalebone from a corset bought at a cheap clothing store.
(c) A coin from a fallen government.
(d) A ticket to a play she couldn't attend as punishment for sloppy work.

10. Why does Jean like Elsie?
(a) She encourages Jean to be herself.
(b) She admires her devotion to God.
(c) She has interesting things in her house.
(d) She wants to become a missionary too.

11. What kind of effort does Jean put into fitting in at school?
(a) Jean tries to dress fashionably to be accepted.
(b) She doesn't care and can't wait to leave.
(c) She establishes good relationships with the teachers but not the kids.
(d) She tries very hard but can't get the hang of it.

12. Who finally discovers that Jean is deaf?
(a) The pastor.
(b) Mrs. Jewsbury, an oboe player.
(c) Jean's dance teacher.
(d) Her mother.

13. How does Jean get a job washing glasses at Tricketts?
(a) Her mother agrees she'll do it with the waitress.
(b) She offers to help out when they are too busy.
(c) The owner heard her preach.
(d) She applies behind her mother's back.

14. In the story at the end of the chapter titled Leviticus, what is the girl like?
(a) Her favorite thing is to spin and sing in the orchard.
(b) So pretty she can heal the sick.
(c) Well acquainted with the laws of physics and the universe.
(d) All of the above.

15. What does Jean's mother always say about oranges?
(a) They are not the only fruit.
(b) They are the only fruit.
(c) They keep you from getting sick.
(d) They are sent from God.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does Elsie give Jean?

2. How does Jean get along with the other kids at school?

3. What reason does Jean have for visiting Melanie every Monday?

4. On Melanie's first visit to Jean's church, who is the only one that sits out of the dancing and music making of Pastor Finch's new song?

5. Which of the following is something Jean's mother routinely is likely to say first thing to her on Sundays?

(see the answer keys)

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