Operating Instructions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Operating Instructions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anne wish on New Year's Eve?
(a) That Sam's father will return
(b) That she can focus more on the present instead of worrying so much
(c) That she will fall in love soon
(d) That she will find a new job

2. What does Anne wish about Sam?
(a) That he could stay in his current stage forever
(b) That he had more hair
(c) That he were in school
(d) That he were a girl

3. What happens one day when Anne and Sam are sleeping?
(a) Anne rolls onto Sam
(b) Anne rolls off the futon
(c) Sam rolls off the futon
(d) The cat sits on Sam

4. In an strange way, Anne is happy to be single so that she does not have what?
(a) Share decisions with someone else
(b) To keep the house clean
(c) Someone else messing up the house
(d) The stress of keeping a husband happy

5. What is a regret that Anne has during the Christmas season?
(a) That she never joined the Peace Corps
(b) That she never got her Master's Degree
(c) That she never had a ballet career
(d) That her father did not live long enough to meet Sam

6. What suggestion from the doctor does Anne resist about Sam's colic?
(a) Medicating him
(b) Letting him cry
(c) Using a vaporizer
(d) Feeding him

7. Most of all, Anne hopes to do what for her son?
(a) Give him a solid religious foundation
(b) Send him to college
(c) Send him to military school
(d) Spare him pain

8. Who does Anne call about her breastfeeding issues?
(a) Her obstetrician
(b) The La Leche League
(c) Pammy
(d) Her mother

9. Who does Anne count on for support?
(a) Therapist
(b) Family
(c) Minister
(d) Friends

10. Sam's father wanted Anne to __________________________.
(a) Terminate the pregnancy
(b) Have the baby
(c) Move in with him
(d) Marry him

11. What worry does Anne carry around all the time?
(a) Financial concerns
(b) Health problems
(c) Her mother's interference
(d) Sam's lack of a father

12. Why does Anne primarily want a husband?
(a) So she will not grow old alone
(b) So she has someone to share Sam's experiences with
(c) So someone can support her and Sam
(d) So she can have some adult conversation

13. Operating Instructions is based on______________________.
(a) A focus group
(b) A series of diary entries
(c) Therapy sessions
(d) Taped conversations

14. In what city is Anne's baby born?
(a) Oakland
(b) Los Angeles
(c) Sacramento
(d) San Francisco

15. How old is Sam when he finally sleeps through the night?
(a) 30 weeks
(b) 3 weeks
(c) 30 days
(d) 3 months

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Anne describe her newborn son?

2. What type of parent will Anne soon become?

3. Who supports Anne emotionally during her early pregnancy?

4. What does Anne call her messages from God?

5. What is occurring that allows Anne to feel more centered?

(see the answer keys)

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