The Open Boat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Open Boat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who stops the correspondent's watch of the object in Part 6?
(a) The cook.
(b) The oiler.
(c) The correspondent.
(d) The captain.

2. What does the correspondent curse?
(a) His friends.
(b) The wind.
(c) Nature.
(d) The sea.

3. Why do the men have to take the boat back out to sea in Part 4?
(a) They realize they are at the wrong island.
(b) They are suddenly deluged again.
(c) They forgot one of the men at sea.
(d) They do not take the boat back out to sea.

4. What do the men see soon after the man onshore returns from the house?
(a) An omnibus full of people.
(b) A bonfire to light their way.
(c) The lighthouse shining on them.
(d) Their families waving to them.

5. How does the correspondent show great character in Part 5?
(a) By allowing the captain to eat his portion of their dinner.
(b) He does not show great character in Part 5.
(c) By letting the others sleep while he faces danger alone.
(d) By rowing continually.

6. What do the men do since they are unable to reach shore safely in Part 4?
(a) Accept their deaths.
(b) Head out to deeper water.
(c) Head toward another island.
(d) Head toward shore.

7. Who is the four men's only company in Part 5?
(a) The waves.
(b) The man from shore.
(c) A shark.
(d) The wind.

8. What do the men look for as they row in Part 4?
(a) The lighthouse.
(b) Men on the shore.
(c) New dots on the horizon that might signal their rescue.
(d) A fire to warm them.

9. Whose point of view is the entirety of "The Open Boat" told from?
(a) The oiler.
(b) The correspondent.
(c) It alternates between the characters.
(d) The captain.

10. Why is the makeshift sail made again in Part 6?
(a) So that the oiler and the captain can sleep at the same time.
(b) The makeshift sail is not made again.
(c) So that the oiler and the correspondent can sleep at the same time.
(d) Because the men are bored and need something to do.

11. In Part 4, who tells the men to take the boat back out to sea?
(a) The correspondent.
(b) The captain.
(c) The oiler.
(d) The cook.

12. What do the men wonder about as they head toward shore in Part 4 ?
(a) Why he has come so close to shore if he is going to be drowned.
(b) Whether they will see their families again.
(c) Why they cannot swim like the fish.
(d) Who will win the bet about the exact hour that they will reach shore.

13. What does the man onshore do?
(a) Wave frantically.
(b) Point and laugh.
(c) Shake his head and walk away.
(d) Dive into the ocean to help the men.

14. Why do the men believe no one is coming to rescue them?
(a) Indifference.
(b) No one sees them.
(c) No one cares about them.
(d) Coward or incompetence.

15. What do the men finally see near the end of Part 4?
(a) A man who sees them.
(b) A man cooking his dinner.
(c) Their families waving frantically.
(d) A group of people celebrating the holiday.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is ordered to make the sail again in Part 6?

2. What does the man onshore use to wave like a black flag?

3. Whose point of view is Part 5 of "The Open Boat" told from?

4. What do the men think that anyone who has seen them from onshore may believe?

5. Where did the character in the recalled story die?

(see the answer keys)

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