Open City Test | Final Test - Easy

Teju Cole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Open City Test | Final Test - Easy

Teju Cole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Julius goes to see Dr. Saito in the beginning of Chapter 14, what is Dr. Saito having a hard time with?
(a) Sciatica.
(b) Breathing.
(c) Bedbugs.
(d) Walking.

2. What is the white man teaching the Asian woman in the diner where Julius sees them in Chapter 18?
(a) English.
(b) Latin.
(c) Calculus.
(d) Chinese.

3. When Julius goes to the Munkasci exhibit at the Center of Photography, he thinks of the photographic concept of the “decisive moment” (152). Which photographer coined this term, and philosophy?
(a) Stieglitz.
(b) Capa.
(c) Cartier-Bresson.
(d) Munkasci.

4. How does Moji say Julius acted in the days and weeks after he forced himself on her?
(a) He was aggressive and out of control.
(b) He was guilty and tried to apologize.
(c) He was sullen with flashes of anger.
(d) He acted as if it had not happened.

5. How many times does Julius try his PIN in various cash machines before he gives up in Chapter 13?
(a) Two or three.
(b) Six or eight.
(c) A dozen.
(d) Five.

6. How does Julius regard the Africans he sees in Chapter 11, once he finds out where they really come from?
(a) Spitefully.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Joyously.
(d) Suspiciously.

7. What does Julius notice is missing in Dr. Saito’s apartment in Chapter 14?
(a) Family photographs.
(b) Books.
(c) Mementos from Dr. Saito’s internment.
(d) Decorations.

8. Where does Julius see Chinese women dancing, after seeing his accountant?
(a) Staten Island.
(b) Bowling Green.
(c) Wall Street.
(d) The Bowery.

9. How old does Julius say he was when his driver hit and killed a girl?
(a) Four or five.
(b) Ten or eleven.
(c) Eight or nine.
(d) Six or seven.

10. What does the clerk at the post office share with Julius in Chapter 16?
(a) Some of his poetry.
(b) Insights about the news.
(c) Some of his tea.
(d) Words of wisdom from Africa.

11. What is Julius’ relationship to Moji Kasali?
(a) She is a woman he met on the subway.
(b) She is a student from his medical studies.
(c) She is a student from his school in Nigeria.
(d) She is his one-time best friend’s older sister.

12. Why does Julius go to Notre Dame de la Chapelle?
(a) He has always wanted to see it.
(b) He is early to meet Dr. Maillotte.
(c) He is meeting Dr. Maillotte there.
(d) He promised Nadège he would see it.

13. What part of academia does Julius say he has never had a stomach for?
(a) The competition.
(b) The needy students.
(c) The research.
(d) The bureaucracy.

14. What does Julius say the snow-covered city makes him feel in Chapter 14?
(a) Depression.
(b) Stagnation.
(c) Soporific.
(d) Levitation.

15. Which postmodern writer’s story about a giant, 1:1 map of New York city does Julius think about having read?
(a) Borges.
(b) Barthelme.
(c) Delillo.
(d) Barthes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is in the shop Julius stop into in Chinatown in Chapter 16?

2. What is Julius’ reaction to Dr. Saito telling him that he is ready to die in Chapter 15?

3. Who does Julius ask for help after being beaten and robbed?

4. How old does Julius say he was when his father died?

5. What was the subject of the cantatas Julius had heard at Lincoln Center, before coming to visit Dr. Saito?

(see the answer keys)

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