On the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marylou admit to Sal after they arrive in San Francisco?
(a) That she really admires him.
(b) That he is really wearing on her after the long trip.
(c) She only used him to make Dean jealous.
(d) She has a crush on him.

2. What is the first place Sal visits on his return trip to San Francisco in the spring of 1949?
(a) The Golden Gate Bridge.
(b) The army barracks.
(c) Dean and Camille's home.
(d) Remi Boncoeur's home.

3. Why do Sal and Dean's travel companions seem leery of Dean on their 1949 trip to Denver?
(a) Because of his erratic behavior.
(b) Because he steals gasoline for the car.
(c) Because he insists on sticking his head out of the window.
(d) Because he is intoxicated.

4. Who do Sal, Dean, and Stan meet in a town called Gregoria?
(a) Javier.
(b) Victor.
(c) Hyman.
(d) Old Bull Lee.

5. What does Dean do when he, Sal, and Marylou arrive in San Francisco?
(a) He has a fight with Sal.
(b) He goes out to hear a jazz musician.
(c) He does not want to stay in San Francisco and travels to Denver.
(d) He abandons them without any money to see Camille.

6. How does their friend assist Sal, Dean, and Stan in Mexico?
(a) He gives them directions.
(b) He treats Stan's insect bite.
(c) He directs them to a brothel.
(d) He sells them drugs.

7. What is Sal's and Marylou's plan before they arrive in San Francisco?
(a) That Marylou would be Sal's girl.
(b) That they will never see each other again.
(c) That they will visit Marylou's brother in Alcatraz.
(d) That they will abandon Dean.

8. What news does Dean share with Stan and Sal while in Mexico?
(a) Dean wants to extend their trip to Guatemala.
(b) Dean's father is being released from prison.
(c) Dean has a divorce from Camille.
(d) Camille is going to have another child.

9. What does Old Bull think is a sign from Sal's deceased father?
(a) When they hear a rapping noise in Old Bull's dining room.
(b) When they see a billboard that says, "Post cards from Paradise."
(c) When they hear a stranger yell Sal's father's name on the street.
(d) When Old Pops wins the race at the horsetrack.

10. Who does Dean meet at a party in New York?
(a) Laura.
(b) Terry.
(c) Lucille.
(d) Inez.

11. In Part 3, what do Sal and Dean's travel companions to Denver want to do in Sacramento?
(a) Stay overnight.
(b) Leave Sal and Dean.
(c) Go sightseeing.
(d) Stop for lunch.

12. What is Sal and Dean's plan before they take their second trip in 1949?
(a) They will return to New York before departing.
(b) They will find jobs in San Francisco to earn money for the trip.
(c) They will earn their college degrees.
(d) They will travel the United States more extensively.

13. What is the name of the horse that Sal bets on?
(a) Daddy-O.
(b) Old Pops.
(c) Holy Goof.
(d) Big Brown.

14. Where do Sal, Dean, and Marylou drop Alfred off?
(a) Salinas, California.
(b) Tucson, Arizona.
(c) Tulare, California.
(d) Needles, California.

15. How does Sal feel after Dean confides in Sal about his reaction to their fight?
(a) He feels relieved.
(b) He feels manipulated.
(c) He feels that Dean is a sissy.
(d) He feels guilt-ridden.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Dean take Sal to stay in San Francisco?

2. Where does Dean learn his father is?

3. In Part 3, who takes the wheel of the vehicle that Dean and Sal are riding in while in Sacramento?

4. What does Dean tell Sal after their first real argument?

5. Who is Marylou's new boyfriend in San Francisco?

(see the answer keys)

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