One-Eyed Cat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One-Eyed Cat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Mama and Papa feel about what she tells Ned?
(a) They do not tell Ned anything.
(b) Despairing.
(c) Hopeful.
(d) Ecstatic.

2. What does Ned find as he sits at his secret place and looks out at the countryside?
(a) A glint of metal.
(b) Comfort.
(c) An opening in the brush.
(d) Two old journals.

3. What does Ned tell his mother about Christmas vacation?
(a) He does not want to go with his uncle.
(b) He is really excited about the pony island.
(c) He wants her to go, too.
(d) He is really excited about the fox island.

4. Where is Hilary's next destination?
(a) Hong Kong.
(b) Greece.
(c) Tibet.
(d) India.

5. What does Mr. Scully promise to continue doing?
(a) Keep Ned doing chores and paying him.
(b) Taking his medicine.
(c) Write his daughter.
(d) Feed the cat.

6. What still worries Ned after he returns home from Mr. Scully's house?
(a) Doris not seeing her father more often.
(b) His mother's new treatment.
(c) His father's bad back.
(d) The one-eyed cat.

7. What do Ned and Billy do after Ned helps Janet?
(a) Throw snowballs at passing cars.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Get into a fistfight.
(d) Steal some eggs.

8. Why doesn't Ned visit his mother one day?
(a) He is ill.
(b) She is too ill.
(c) He is too busy working at the church.
(d) She has gone to the city for a new treatment.

9. Where is Hilary going to visit?
(a) Oahu.
(b) Molokai.
(c) Tahiti.
(d) Cancun.

10. What news does Ned receive that lightens his mood?
(a) He is expected to play basketball this year.
(b) Mr. Scully's promise to continue to feed the one-eyed cat.
(c) Mrs. Scallop is moving to California.
(d) His mother is walking outside.

11. What has been taken down at Mr. Scully's house?
(a) The swing.
(b) The outhouse.
(c) The water barrel.
(d) The porch.

12. What does Ned do on the veranda at the place he visits?
(a) Paints.
(b) Plays with his toy soldiers.
(c) Thinks.
(d) Writes.

13. About what does Ned ask Mrs. Kinball?
(a) The history of the Makepeace mansion.
(b) Why Mrs. Scallop cried all the time.
(c) The reason she became a nurse.
(d) If her daughter Evelyn is really going to be in the movies.

14. What happens when Ned and his papa return home after a visit to Mr. Scully?
(a) Doris has moved into Mr. Scully's house.
(b) The one-eyed cat is dead on their driveway.
(c) Mama is very ill.
(d) Mr. Scully's sister has moved into Mr. Scully's house.

15. What does Ned and his mother see?
(a) Mr. Scully's ghost.
(b) A shooting star.
(c) A white dog.
(d) The one-eyed cat.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does an ambulance have to come?

2. To whom does Ned apologize?

3. What does Ned learn from Doris?

4. How does Mrs. Scallop feel about her new job?

5. What does Mama say to Ned about Mrs. Scallop?

(see the answer keys)

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