One-Eyed Cat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One-Eyed Cat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ned decide about Charleston?
(a) He wants to go but only for the day.
(b) He will do whatever his father tells him to do.
(c) He does not want to go.
(d) He wants to go but not until the summer.

2. Why is James Willis upset with Hilary?
(a) James wishes Hilary would not waste money.
(b) James thinks Hilary makes James look bad.
(c) James thinks Ned's birthday gift is not appropriate.
(d) James is not upset with Hilary.

3. What does Hilary give Ned for his birthday?
(a) A model car.
(b) A Daisy air rifle.
(c) A model airplane.
(d) A practice sword.

4. What does Mr. Scully use for lighting?
(a) A fancy chandelier.
(b) A bare electric bulb.
(c) A flashlight.
(d) A kerosene lamp.

5. What does Ned's father not understand about Mr. Kimball?
(a) How he affords to feed such a large family.
(b) Why is treats his wife so poorly.
(c) Why he does not discipline his children.
(d) Why he travels out of town so much.

6. What does Ned lose interest in after using it once?
(a) The sword.
(b) The model airplane.
(c) The model car.
(d) The rifle.

7. What does Mrs. Scallop sometimes lapse into?
(a) Periods of joking with Ned.
(b) Periods of bossiness.
(c) Periods of sullen silence.
(d) Periods of giddy laughter.

8. For whom are the turkey scraps that Ned saves?
(a) Mr. Scully's old dog.
(b) Evelyn Kimball's dog.
(c) The one-eye cat.
(d) The neighbor's new puppy.

9. How many housekeepers has the Wallis family had, including the present one?
(a) 1.
(b) 0.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

10. What does Ned do as his father pays the visit?
(a) Sits in the car.
(b) In the nurses's station.
(c) Plays outside.
(d) Sits quietly in a chair.

11. What does Mrs. Scallop give Ned for his birthday?
(a) A handmade rug.
(b) A pair of gloves she knitted.
(c) A hat she knitted.
(d) A sweater she knitted.

12. What does Ned refrain from saying to his mother?
(a) That he wishes she wouldn't say anything about his voice.
(b) That his uncle doesn't act like he likes Ned.
(c) Anything about taking the rifle out late at night.
(d) That the girl is mean to Ned.

13. What is on Ned's mind constantly?
(a) A bully at school who keeps harassing Ned.
(b) His mother's illness.
(c) His father's desire for him to become a minister.
(d) His firing the air rifle.

14. Why does Ned not like dining with members of the congregation?
(a) He has to sit with the children in the family.
(b) He has to wear a tie.
(c) It makes him feel homeless.
(d) He has to eat anything he is served.

15. What does Ned think about Mr. Scully?
(a) He's old fashioned.
(b) He's mean.
(c) He's not right in the head.
(d) He's scary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has cake and lemonade in Ned's mother's room?

2. What does Ned take Mr. Scully every day?

3. Where does Doris live?

4. In what month does Ned's birthday fall?

5. What does the narrator say about Mr. Scully's bed?

(see the answer keys)

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