One Two Three: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Laurie Frankel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Two Three: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Laurie Frankel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mirabel runs into River at Tom's after getting solar panels, what does River show her that he bought?
(a) Cookbook.
(b) Rope.
(c) Plumbing manual.
(d) Electrical manual.

2. How often does Hobart Blake run to Greenborough to get the water that Nathan and his family drink?
(a) Every 5 days.
(b) Twice a week.
(c) Once a week.
(d) Every 10 days.

3. How many $10 bills does River give Mab the day after she gives him a print cartridge and paper?
(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

4. What was the date that Nathan first kissed Apple?
(a) March 31.
(b) June 6.
(c) May 11.
(d) April 3.

5. When Mab gives River a print cartridge, how many sheets of paper does she give him too?
(a) 250.
(b) 1,000.
(c) 1,500.
(d) 500.

Short Answer Questions

1. After teaching about the Atlantic slave trade, what subject does Mrs. Shriver teach next?

2. How long does it seem to have taken for the new welcome center at the plant to go from hole in the ground to solid structure according to Mab?

3. How many letters are in a file titled "Elm/Hickory Grove" (314)?

4. When Mab and River are at the dam on page 186, what do they see at the Belsum plant?

5. When Tom gives Mirabel some solar panels, what does she have for him from Nora?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Apple say it is her mother's fault that she married Nathan Templeton?

2. What does Nathan reveal about GL 606?

3. What does Mirabel say about how Nora started working with Russell?

4. How has Belsum countered what seem to be the facts regarding the problems in Bourne?

5. Why does Mab decide to skip tutoring on page 185?

6. How does River get the key to the plant?

7. Why is Monday using checkout cards?

8. What did Zach Finkelburg say that Belsum offered employees if they did not talk about what went on at the chemical factory?

9. What does Monday notice in a picture from 1963 of three Santas pretending to fish?

10. How does Monday try to get a copy of Nathan's dissertation?

(see the answer keys)

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