One True Thing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One True Thing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color does Ellen say her father's hair is?
(a) Black
(b) Blonde
(c) Brown
(d) Grey

2. What is written on the apron Kate is wearing when Jonathan arrives?
(a) Chicken soup is good for you
(b) Kiss the cook
(c) The choices for dinner: take it or leave it
(d) Never trust a skinny cook

3. What does Kate say the book club will do after they complete the book they're working on?
(a) Take a week to talk about the theme
(b) Go to the next book
(c) Talk about the plot with George
(d) Set aside a day to compare characters

4. What breaks the silence after the waiter takes their order?
(a) George's pager
(b) Another faculty member
(c) Falling pots and pans
(d) Ellen's cell phone

5. Where does Ellen go with her brothers for ice cream?
(a) Tastee Freeze
(b) Freeze Queen
(c) Dairy Queen
(d) Dairy Diner

6. Where did Ellen's parents go after their marriage ceremony?
(a) Cambers Street
(b) Niagra Falls
(c) Mexico
(d) Florida

7. What color is the sweater Ellen is wearing in the front page story about her arrest?
(a) Yellow
(b) Blue
(c) White
(d) Orange

8. What does Teresa say is wrong with the mother of the little girl who tells her jokes?
(a) She has leukemia
(b) She has heart trouble
(c) She has breast cancer
(d) She has diabetes

9. What does Kate say Brian would do as a child while she cooked?
(a) Run away
(b) Plead for tastes
(c) Stir flour and water together
(d) Read

10. What color is Teresa's coat on the first morning she arrives at the Gulden house?
(a) Red
(b) Orange
(c) Purple
(d) Yellow

11. What does Kate say she's done to cause her back to hurt?
(a) Developed a kidney stone
(b) Thrown out a disc
(c) She says the cancer is causing the pain
(d) Bruised it

12. What is the store Ellen says her mother loves most?
(a) A hardware store
(b) A furniture store
(c) A fabric store
(d) An antique store

13. What day does Jonathan unexpectedly drop in?
(a) Tuesday
(b) Sunday
(c) Thursday
(d) Wednesday

14. What kind of soup does Kate plan to make for her lunch party?
(a) Broccoli
(b) Chicken
(c) Zucchini
(d) Cabbage

15. What does Kate need that George had not been able to find during the night?
(a) Morphine
(b) Aspirin
(c) Scissors
(d) A heating pad

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ellen make the trip back to Langhorne?

2. What color do the Minnies decide they'll use to decorate their trees?

3. What color is Kate's hair?

4. What is the project Kate is asked to call on a young mother about?

5. Where is Jonathan's father for the Thanksgiving holiday?

(see the answer keys)

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