One Thousand White Women Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is May's response to the Kit Foxes attack on the Shoshone?
(a) She sees the Cheyenne as savages.
(b) She sees the Cheyenne as weak.
(c) Her feelings are deeply hurt.
(d) She gets angry.

2. How does Chief Little Wolf feel about May's child?
(a) He is upset.
(b) He considers the child his daughter.
(c) He condemns the child.
(d) He sends her and May to the Fort.

3. What is May's favorite time of day?
(a) After dinner, while the others relax at the end of the day.
(b) In the morning, before the camp is fully awake.
(c) At the end of the day, when the others have gone to sleep.
(d) In the afternoon, while most of the others take an afternoon nap.

4. What happens to May during a bad storm?
(a) She gets lost in the camp and has to be rescued.
(b) She sneaks out of the camp.
(c) She is punished for trying to get into the sweat-lodge.
(d) She gets very sick.

5. What is Captain Bourke's first reaction to May the first time he recognizes her?
(a) He shows horror and revulsion.
(b) He is threatening and cruel.
(c) He displays joy and delight.
(d) He shows curiosity and interest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Pretty Walker?

2. What was the major issue regarding Sara's burial?

3. What does Narcissis do at the fort?

4. What items are no longer available for trade to the Indians?

5. How are the women seen by the people of the fort?

Short Essay Questions

1. What terrible thing happens that make the women believe the Cheyenne are truly savages?

2. What does Anthony decide to do as the tribe prepares to move to the Agency?

3. How does May describe Anthony?

4. As a result of the Crow incident, how does Quiet One's attitude toward May change and why?

5. What does May tell Chief Little Wolf he will have to do in order to comply with the law of the white man?

6. How does December 25th pass for the women?

7. How does the nomadic life of the Cheyenne tribe end?

8. How does Phemie handle her life in the tribe?

9. During the cold weather, the men spend time in their sweat lodge which is off limits to women. What do the women decide to do for themselves?

10. What does Chief Little Wolf do to let the white man know he intends to comply with their demands that the tribe move to the Agency?

(see the answer keys)

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