One Thousand White Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event occurs that makes May feel that men are foolish, loutish creatures?
(a) The men proposition the women.
(b) The men shoot the buffalo and leave them to die.
(c) The men shoot a buffalo and insist on eating it.
(d) The men make lewd comments about the women.

2. What do May and Captain Bourke do in his tent, according to the entry of April 22nd?
(a) They talk about the rest of the travel plans.
(b) They read Shakespeare. Nothing more. Nothing less.
(c) They confess their strong feelings for each other.
(d) The talk about the Brides for Indians program.

3. How does May describe the camp that is set up at the end of each day of travel?
(a) Ordered and exactly like the camp the day before.
(b) Haphazard because they are not terribly organized in their travel.
(c) Casual so that it is as easy as possible on everyone.
(d) Very small and compact for safety.

4. What does May observe about Indian social structure?
(a) They maintain a written record of the rules.
(b) They have no real social rules.
(c) They are constantly adjustng the rules.
(d) They are sticklers for protocol with strict rules of acceptable behavior.

5. What do the women learn as they get near the Indians?
(a) Enemy Sioux Indians want to kidnap the woman.
(b) A month earlier, Lt. Levi Robinson was murdered by Sioux.
(c) Several people on previous trips have gotten lost in the wild, unexplored territory.
(d) Enemy Sioux Indians want to kill the women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of Indians were the fort Indians, according to Abigail James?

2. How does May describe the train they use to get to Fort Laramie in comparison to their transportation from Chicago?

3. According to May's diary, what does Narcissa White considers herself to be?

4. What things were an important part of the wedding ceremony?

5. What is Captain Bourke disturbed to learn about what the women don't know?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the people the women encounter on their journey feel about their mission?

2. What does May learn about the fort Indians and the Indians living with their tribes?

3. What is unique about Phemie?

4. What do Helen and May have in common?

5. What happens on May's "honeymoon" with the Chief?

6. How does May describe the camps that are set up each day during their travels?

7. Who is Lydia Bradley?

8. What is unusual about Phemie's place in the tribe?

9. How does May describe the wedding ceremony?

10. How does Captain Bourke feel about their mission and the attempt to civilize the Indians?

(see the answer keys)

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