One Thousand White Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jules Seminole tell May is the reason Chief Little Wolf will never kill him?
(a) It is forbidden to kill a member of the tribe.
(b) Chief Little Wolf is afraid of him and can not kill him.
(c) As a member of the tribe, he is able to do anything he wants.
(d) He will be leaving soon.

2. Who is the Kelly twins' ace-in-the-hole in their gambling enterprise?
(a) Narcissa.
(b) Gretchen.
(c) Helen.
(d) May.

3. What event occurs that makes May feel that men are foolish, loutish creatures?
(a) The men shoot a buffalo and insist on eating it.
(b) The men shoot the buffalo and leave them to die.
(c) The men make lewd comments about the women.
(d) The men proposition the women.

4. What does May observe about Indian social structure?
(a) They have no real social rules.
(b) They maintain a written record of the rules.
(c) They are constantly adjustng the rules.
(d) They are sticklers for protocol with strict rules of acceptable behavior.

5. Why is Helen pleased the last part of the trip as they approach Cheyenne territory?
(a) She can shoot the birds that she draws.
(b) She can shoot birds she uses to make special medicines.
(c) She can shoot birds and collect their feathers.
(d) She can shoot birds for a sumptuous dinner.

6. During the final part of the trip to meet the Cheyenne, what does Captain Bourke tell the women about the Indians?
(a) The Indians must be subdued by a superior military force before they can be civilized.
(b) The Indian civilization must be completely destroyed.
(c) Only by trading with the Indians can they be civilized.
(d) The Brides for Indians program may be able to save the Indians.

7. Why is Helen Flight interested in birds?
(a) She collects recipes for cooking birds.
(b) She studies bird anatomy and physiology.
(c) She is a naturalist.
(d) She designs hats and uses their feathers.

8. What are some of the smells involved with living with the Indians that make an impression on May?
(a) Clean smells of the laundry.
(b) Wonderful smells of cooking.
(c) Smells of the horses that live so close to the people.
(d) Indescribable odors of bedding, people, and smoke.

9. How does May describe herself during a conversation at the dinner table about religion?
(a) A Protestant.
(b) An Anglican.
(c) A Catholic.
(d) A bit of an agnostic.

10. How does May describe Reverend Hare?
(a) A lazy man who takes advantage of his position.
(b) A doddering old fool whom no one pays any attention to.
(c) A scholarly man studying the Indian culture.
(d) A kindly man respected by all.

11. What was one of the things done to prepare the women for the wedding?
(a) They were dressed in traditional, white, wedding dresses.
(b) Their faces were painted so they were unrecognizable.
(c) They were dressed in outfits which represented their tipis.
(d) They applied makeup so they were all beautiful.

12. What does May observe about the women who came to the tribe with her?
(a) They are counting the days until they can leave.
(b) They have maintained vestiges of their previous lives.
(c) They are unhappy with the tribe and let them know it.
(d) They look very much like natives.

13. What does May do in the first morning with the Indian tribe that amuses the Indians?
(a) She follows them to the place they bathe and bathes herself.
(b) She insists on preparing meals the way she used to.
(c) She sings to herself while she works in the fields.
(d) She reads her book every night.

14. Why was Mary initially willing to participate in the Brides for Indians program?
(a) To get away from her parents.
(b) To make money.
(c) To escape the asylum.
(d) To go to the West.

15. What does Reverend Hare tell May she is when she returns to camp?
(a) A Godless woman.
(b) A sinner who must repent.
(c) A lost woman who must seek spiritual guidance.
(d) A good Christian woman who has been misguided.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Reverend Hare doing in all the commotion?

2. What is Captain Bourke's comment about May Dodd's suggestion that the woman might be able to bring an appreciation for white civilization to the savages?

3. What were May Dodd's feelings while she rode the train on her way to become one of the Brides for Indians?

4. How does May describe Captain Bourke?

5. What happens to Whistling Elk, Ada Ware's husband, who shoots and kills Runs From Crow, Marie Blanche's husband?

(see the answer keys)

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