One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 15 June 1875.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Reverend Hare tell May she is when she returns to camp?
(a) A good Christian woman who has been misguided.
(b) A Godless woman.
(c) A lost woman who must seek spiritual guidance.
(d) A sinner who must repent.

2. What is Narcissa White's reaction to the destructive events the night the Indians drink the whiskey?
(a) She condemns the women for being sinners.
(b) She believes that God has forsaken her and all of the women.
(c) She sets up a prayer meeting.
(d) She tries to escape the camp and return to the fort.

3. What does Captain Bourke say to May the evening before leaving the women with the Cheyenne?
(a) He forbids her to go with the Indians.
(b) He insists that she return to the fort every month.
(c) He feels she should go to one of the other tribes.
(d) He insists that she return to her family immediately.

4. What does May learn about Jimmy during the last days of the trip?
(a) Jimmy plans on trading some guns with the Indians.
(b) Jimmy is spying on Captain Bourke.
(c) Jimmy is really a military spy.
(d) Jimmy is really a girl named Dirty Gertie.

5. What does May believe happened during the wedding ceremony?
(a) The men exchanged wives.
(b) She was drugged as part of the ceremony.
(c) The ceremony was a secret affair.
(d) Some of the women were forced to leave.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Captain Bourke's comment about May Dodd's suggestion that the woman might be able to bring an appreciation for white civilization to the savages?

2. Who are the Kelly sisters, Margaret and Susan?

3. Whose tent do May, Martha, and the other women run to when the Indians run amok?

4. On the night she was taken to the asylum, what happened to Mary's babies?

5. What does May teach Chief Little Wolf how to do on their "honeymoon"?

(see the answer key)

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